In year's past, Charlestown provided warming centers for persons whose homes were too cold to be healthy. Mainly, this meant the elderly or families without money for oil or utilities.
But in this current spell of bitter cold weather, neither Charlestown with its all-CCA Party in control, nor Richmond with a more right wing town council, are listed on the state's website for warming centers for people to come in out of the cold.
CORRECTION: However, it's not that Charlestown doesn't have a warming center. It turns out that Charlestown simply does a crappy job of telling people about it. There still is a warming center plan but our town's new "need-to-know" misinformation system makes you look hard for it. Click here.
Normally Available Warming Centers (Short Term) during Extreme Cold Emergency
>>> Regular Hours
- Charlestown Town Hall, 4540 South County Trail, Charlestown, RI 02813 (8:30am to 4:30pm)(Weekdays)
- Police Community Room, 4901 Old Post Road, Charlestown, RI 02813 (7am to 5pm)(Daily)
- Charlestown Community/Senior Center, 100 Park Lane, Charlestown, RI 02813 (8:30am to 3:30pm)(Monday-Thursday) and Friday Mornings until Noon.
Normally Available Warming Centers (Short Term) during Extreme Cold Emergency
>>> After Regular Hours
- Police Community Room (as needed)
- Charlestown Community/Senior Center. (on stand-by)
Read on, please...
The town's response to weather emergencies is under Charlestown Emergency Managment Agency which has no control over the town's website.
If you think that Charlestown doesn't have any people in need of warming centers, well, you're wrong, unless you only consider those Charlestown folks who are part of the CCA Party's core constitutency.
There's another Charlestown that includes more than 250 families hurt by unemployment and many more living on the edge who have to choose between eating and paying for oil or utilities. There are those folks taking part in Charlestown's affordable housing program which, during the winter, consists of living in a tent in Burlingame State Park. I wish I could say I'm joking, but I'm not.
To find a warming center, you can use also this state directory. You'll find several warming centers in South Kingstown and one each in Westerly and Hopkinton.