fossil fuels requires scrapping outdated opinions about renewable energy.
Bruce Jenner is sporting nail polish and a ponytail. If the
Olympic gold medalist gets both a new identity a personal reality
TV show, it may take a bite out of discrimination against trans
And, conservative leaders are teaming up with environmentalists
to give Florida voters a
shot at “solar choice.” This “Green Tea Party” trend is making it harder for
Republicans to embrace fossil fuels and shun renewable energy.
Clearly, shedding flawed conventional notions of all kinds is
tough — but not impossible.
People “lock into belief systems,” explains the solar power
entrepreneur and climate-action philanthropist Jeremy Leggett.
“We prefer to believe in the potency of things and systems that we have as
opposed to other alternatives that might be rationally much more appropriate.”
After years of exposure to propaganda paid for by oil, gas, and coal companies, most people believe “alternatives to their wares are not for grownups,” Leggett wrote in The Energy of Nations.
A recent USA Today editorial on
oil drilling offers a great example of this dynamic. The editors object to
President Barack Obama’s recent declaration that Big Oil should keep its paws
off the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge. “Drill, with care, in ANWR and everywhere,” they
Wait. Isn’t drilling “with care” as implausible as getting a little
And I’d like to hear more about this kinder, gentler “drill,
baby, drill” business. Do caribou get manicures when rescue workers wipe
spilled crude off their fur?
Ignoring renewable energy’s dizzying growth, the editorial
writers scoff at the sector’s 8
percent share of the total U.S. energy market and dismiss it as
“not yet economical on a large scale.”
More of the nation’s new electric
generation capacity that went online in 2014 came from
renewable sources than natural gas.
Rooftop solar power already costs about the same or less than
dirty-energy options in 10 states. It’s likely to become competitive — without
subsidies — in all 50 states next
Yes, the sun doesn’t always shine and gusts don’t blow non-stop.
Yet energy storage is
gaining traction, removing more barriers to the switch to renewable options.
But green energy won’t hit critical mass until conventional
wisdom stops dismissing the prospect of wind, solar, and other options
supplanting fossil fuels as some kind of joke.
A real power shift requires the kind of “aha moment” seen 500
years ago when the explorer Ferdinand
Magellan proved once and for all that the world was round with
his legendary voyage. Likewise, the dramatic surge in renewable energy
won’t resonate until it registers with a wider audience.
Climate-hugging billionaires have already put a toe into the
seas of popular culture withYears of Living Dangerously. Celebrities
ranging from actress Jessica Alba to food writer Mark Bittman tried to
raise awareness about global warming’s dangers in the Showtime
documentary series.
Billionaires like Tom Steyer and Jeremy Grantham who champion a
transition to green energy could produce a reality TV show. In this Survivor meets Gilligan’s
Island production starring scantily clad B-listers, viewers could marvel at
solar-powered conveniences.
Forget the Professor’s rickety coconut radio.
Today’s Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Howell III can heat water for their tea in an
off-grid microwave, proving that modern life doesn’t require fossil fuels.
Given what it’s taking to shake anti-vaccine myths, LGBT
intolerance, and the War on Solar,
rewiring the world clearly calls for more than facts, figures, and the specter
of calamities.
And getting a little goofy is bound to change more minds than
scaring viewers out of their wits.
Columnist Emily Schwartz Greco is the managing editor of OtherWords, a non-profit national editorial
service run by the Institute for Policy Studies. OtherWords.org.