I Pledge to Do for Mother Earth
- Change the channel any time one of those lying oil company commercials claiming environmental responsibility comes on. (Note to BP: you'd walk away from your obligations to clean up the Gulf in a heartbeat if you thought you could get away with it. Thank god the government still has its boot on your neck, you upper-class twits.)
- Rent a chopper and drop thousands of large plastic bins over the city to remind people that Portland recycles.
- Fart only on odd-numbered days. (This one'll be tough. I may need to attend support group meetings.)
- Vote for Democrats.
- Retrofit the car with hybrid technology so it only runs on gas when the team of kittens gets too tired to pull it.
- Use only the sun and a magnifying glass to light up my bong. Er…uh…"water pipe."
- Restrict my use of "fracking" to its handiness as an adjective paired with the word "idiots" to describe people who displease me.
- Contribute to healthy forests by teaching tea partiers that watering trees with the blood of tyrants actually kills them. Fracking idiots.
- Close down tar sands sites by making spooky noises so the owners think they're haunted and run away.
- Dispose of my spent fuel rods properly instead of selling them as glowsticks at raves.