Thursday, April 2, 2015

In any campaign, you have to plan ahead

Giant Screwup By Ted Cruz Will Make You Literally LOL

The Canadian born Ted Cruz has announced he is officially running for the presidency in 2016, and the hits keep coming.  I’m sure Cruz’s announcement had to have made Bush, Walker and the rest of the GOP clown parade very happy.  He takes crazy to an entirely different level, which would give ALMOST anybody else an edge in the Republican primary.

Seems to me if you are going to be running for President, you, or someone working for your campaign, would have remembered to registered the domain Even if Cruz were not running for the highest office one would have thought as a United States Senator he would have registered his own name.  Oops!

Clear your area of anything that could be spilled or spit out as not to damage your electronics before you take a look at what you see when you click on Ted’s name below.

Fair-warning, it’s hysterical.

I told you!

Now, equally as amusing is this link:

This certainly made my week!

Nancy Feldman is a political and news columnist with a background in TV and film production. Follow her on Twitter @nygchicklet