Sunday, April 12, 2015

Remembering Richard Walton

By Stephen R. Graham in Rhode Island’s Future
In honor of Richard Walton... And all others like him that work to improve the human condition.

It’s that time of year again. Time to recognize the unsung heroes amongst us for all the good work they do. To nominate someone, fill out a form on-line here or simply email to receive the nomination form via email. The deadline is April 15th.

So we’re asking you to help us decide who deserves that recognition. We are seeking nominations from the community to recognize both unsung organizations, and individuals, that embody the spirit and work of Richard Walton and for the commitment they have shown to making the world a better place. Nominations are now being accepted for anyone you feel worthy of recognition.

We’re also asking that you provide a 1 page description of why they deserve the award. Keep in mind that the committee members may have never heard of the person you nominate so the description you give will be go a long way in determining whether they win the award or not.

The Nominee who wins this year’s award, will receive a cash gift and will be honored at the 3rd annual Red Bandana Celebration at Slater Mill on May 31st at Nick-A-Nees.

So what’s behind all this you ask? It’s all about an old friend who was the epitome of activism in Rhode Island for decades. The Red Bandana Fund was created to honor the memory of  long-time, activist Richard Walton who passed away on December 27, 2012, after a long illness, leaving a huge hole in the hearts of the Rhode Island Progressive community.

There is a remembrance post about Richard, published in two parts by RIFuture, here andhere.  On June 2, 2012, the First Annual Red Bandana Fund Concert was held to raise money for the fund and to give the First Award by the Fund to Amos House, an organization Richard was deeply involved in. 

Last year, 2 awards were given, one to Henry Shelton, the long-time advocate for the poor in Rhode Island and the other to The Providence Student Union, for their inspiring energy and activism on education issues.

EDITOR'S NOTE: later this month, Henry Shelton will be inducted into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame, a long-ovedue honor for one of the most influential figures in Rhode Island's social and economic justice movement for the past fifty years.

And now is your chance to nominate that unsung hero you have watched give so much to the rest of us. First, submit your nomination. And then second, help us honor the legacy of Richard Walton by coming to the 3rd annual Red Bandana Celebration at Nick-A-Nees on May 31st and lending your support.

Of course, this is just a small token in payment to those we owe it to. But we hope to do this every year and to grow the fund to spread awareness, recognition and appreciation for the people and issues we hold so dear. And we hope you will be become a big part of it. 

Help us grow the Fund by donating and by joining us at our annual celebration to recognize those who deserve our thanks so much. We’re all in this together. Let’s prove we can make it work.