Tuesday, April 7, 2015

RISD students show what solidarity really looks like

By Steve Ahlquist in Rhode Island’s Future

Before the student led march in support of the striking RISD Techs started, union president Tucker Houlihan was approached by RISD administrators eager to negotiate a quick end to the strike that began Thursday.

“You sons of bitches are so powerful,” Houlihan said to the cheering crowd outside the RISD administrative offices downtown, “and there’s so many of you, that the administration wanted to talk, and not just talk this time, they wanted to negotiate.”

According to Houlihan, RISD signed a memorandum of agreement that maintains the tech union member’s 8 percent retirement contribution. “And they did this before you even arrived here. That is how powerful you are,” said Houlihan.

DSC_2521Hundreds of students and supporters marched down South Main St in support of the 44 unionized RISD Techs, members of NEARI Local 806. The crowd was so large that marchers completely encircled the administrative offices. 

Student Danica Mitchell was one of the organizers of the support march. Mitchell told the crowd that this effort was about more than the specifics of the demands of the striking workers.

“It’s more about promoting transparency in big institutions,” said Mitchell. She added that she hopes RISD will be more open in the future.

Today’s efforts mark a successful end to the strike. “When the technicians leave here,” said Houlihan, to the ecstatic crowd, “we’re going back to the studios that we love and they’re open!”

In March, Steve Ahlquist made $546.25 writing for RI Future (and zero for Progressive Charlestown). Consider supporting his efforts by sending a donation through PayPal to the email below:

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Steve Ahlquist is a writer, artist and current president of the Humanists of Rhode Island, a non-profit group dedicated to reason, compassion, optimism, courage and action. The views expressed are his own and not necessarily those of any organization of which he is a member.

His photos and video are usable under the Creative Commons license. Free to share with credit.
"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” - Elie Weisel

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." - Desmond Tutu