Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Springtime for Hitler, and the CCA

Are you visiting here because you have seen the brilliant and talented fiction of John Goodman and Michael Chambers? Are you curious about how this website, which the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee has no influence over (despite continuing claims by Goodman and Chambers to the contrary), compares the CCA to the “final solution”?

For you, prospective regular reader, here are some resources so you can judge for yourself instead of blindly accepting what others write. We just ask that you share this with others who may be gullible enough to accept what Goodman and Chambers write, at face value.

There is continuing propaganda on the CCA website, emails and letters in the Westerly Sun that we compare the CCA, conservationists, hikers and puppy lovers to Hitler.

Folks who frequent online commenting boards are no doubt familiar with Godwin’s law, which states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

The CCA actually has its own codicil of Godwin’s law, which states: “Anytime Progressive Charlestown criticizes the CCA, the CCA response will be to claim that Progressive Charlestown compared someone to Hitler.”

You can see every article on Progressive Charlestown that mentions “Hitler” with this link. As an exercise please count how many of them refer to the groups listed above (CCA, conservationists, hikers and puppy lovers) in comparison to Hitler and how many were written by Will Collette or Tom Ferrio. We bet you will find a very small number, like zero.

You can also see every article that mentions “final solution” with this link. (Actually it’s a list of articles with those two words, not necessarily together.)

And then there is the word “pogrom”, which was used as hyperbole in one article by Tom Ferrio in 2012. Hyperbole is a difficult concept for Michael Chambers because we received a complaint from him in less than an hour. (He certainly is a loyal reader of Progressive Charlestown!) We were naïve about Chambers’ tenacity at that time so we reacted to the complaint by removing the word from the article promptly. But that “incident” is relived regularly by Chambers as an example of what a terrible person Tom Ferrio is. You can see the actual article and the debate in the comments here. Chambers hopes you will agree with him that he is justified in still bringing it up regularly, and with great indignation.

A recent article contained a picture with a very commonly used, indeed clichéd, quote attributed to Hitler. That image was replaced with another when the author heard of the over-the-top reaction, because she judged the image as inconsequential to the meat of the article. You can read that article here.

If you would like to know what the quote in the image was, you can see it in this article from Michael Chambers in 2013. It is at the end of the article, which happens to be attacking the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee. Notice that it is not on Progressive Charlestown. It is actually on the CCA website (unless they have removed it since this was published). It is an article by Michael Chambers. The same Michael Chambers who vilifies Progressive Charlestown for comparing him and his friends to Hitler (which we don’t). Of course, the CCA is the model of civility, that’s what they say, so anything on their website must be inoffensive.

For your convenience here is the introductory paragraph of Michael Chambers’ article and the quote, from the end of the article:
“Sometimes an argument is so inane that it is difficult to piece together the logic used by the other side. Such is the case with the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee (CTDC) bloggers recently blaming the departure of the past Town Administrator (TA) on the Charlestown Citizens Alliance. Granted, the dissatisfaction with the past Town Administrator’s actions and decisions was decried by CCA candidates, but unless I have my facts wrong, the CDTC blog’s contention that CCA ousted the past TA is more smoke than fire. A half lie is the most cowardly of lies as Mark Twain said. …”
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”― Adolf Hitler
So now, please tell us how the CCA is pure as driven snow and the Progressive Charlestown writers are the epitome of evil?

From Progressive Charlestown’s Day One, the CCA Party has called it the “hate blog.” We think that’s because they hate it for exposing their own lies, backdoor dirty deals and hypocrisy. In every Progressive Charlestown story about Charlestown politics, you’ll see direct quotes, links to documents and video. In other words, actual proof, which is not what the CCA leaders are used to. The facts often interfere with the narrative they prefer.

They also seem to hate the idea that we have a sense of humor. Jealous, I guess, because they don’t have one.

Obviously Hitler’s German government and the final solution it spawned are horrid. But why do we need to get into a contest about whether the CCA or the Progressive Charlestown refer to them more often. Especially when the CCA does it more.