Maybe this time
we should just let them go...
...And take South Carolina with them.
Will Collette
I’m sure for many Texas politicians, this is just a media stunt, but to a growing number of Texans, it seems they’re OK with their government setting a course toward Texas breaking off from the rest of the United States. A new “Republic of Texas” as it was in the early 1800’s Alamo days. Maybe even a new Confederacy.
significant new laws were passed by the Texas legislature that could set up a
major Constitutional crisis.
is House Bill 483 that establishes a new Texas gold repository
and the beginnings of a new Texas currency in direct violation of the US
second is an $800 million appropriation to expand an already existing Texas
military. In addition to a Texas National Guard, there already exists a Texas State
Guard. Click here to read the Associated
Press story.