Sunday, June 14, 2015

As the General Assembly closing draws near, how is Flip Filippi doing?

He made a lot of promises….can he keep them?
By Will Collette

Our media-hound[1] state Representative Blake “Flip” Filippi (Independent-Republican[2]-Block Island-Lincoln-Providence[3]) is great at getting himself on camera (usually in group shots when he caucuses with the House Republicans) and great at getting quoted in GoLocalProv. He’s also great at sponsoring and co-sponsoring bills – 78 so far.

He got off to a slow start, breaking his promise to hit the ground running and introduce a bunch of bills related to his campaign promises in his first week. That didn’t happen. However, since then, Flipper has sponsored or co-sponsored more bills than nearly any member of the House. Not that it matters much, as you’ll see as you read on.

Of those 78 bills, he was the prime sponsor for 27 and a co-sponsor to the other 51. However, only three have passed, and all of them are “non-substantive.” For example, one of the three bills passed was H-5913 memorializing Henry Walsh upon his death, something Henry would have hated since he couldn’t stand Filippi. This resolution only needed to be read before the House approved it; the Senate did not need to act. Read below for the other two that have passed.

During his successful campaign against Rep. Donna Walsh, whose effectiveness won wide praise, Filippi promised to resolve the woes of the victims of Copar Quarry, cut taxes for Social Security recipients, ensure that Rhode Island will never repeat the 38 Studio fiasco, protect Charlestown from evil developers and the even more evil federal and state governments, and put a chicken in every pot.

The first bill with his name on it (as fourth co-sponsor) was actually a RI Builders Association bill (House Bill No. 5044), one that the CCA Party-controlled Charlestown Town Council officially opposed with a resolution at its April meeting.

His first original bill was at the request of the CCA Party, House Bill No. 5321, which grants Charlestown and only Charlestown a moratorium from having to deal with comprehensive permits while it is working on a new comprehensive plan. As far as I know, no other town has asked for this, even though they all are in the process of writing new comprehensive plans.

I have cut-and-pasted the entire directory of Filippi's bills from the General Assembly bill tracker database so you can see for yourself exactly how Flip is doing. Which is to say, not so well.

Aside from the resolution honoring Henry, his other two successes are H-5922 that directs the Secretary of State to restore the lost the corporate charter of Charlestown contractor J. Dougherty Home Improvement provided Dougherty provides proof he has paid all his back taxes and another, H-6172, authorizing a non-clergy, non-judicial person to perform a wedding, a sticky problem for some brides and grooms.

Everything else is pretty much dead, either withdraw by Flip himself (5 bills) or “held for further study (19 bills).”

The array of bills in this session of the General Assembly by Filippi make me wonder if he suffers from ADHD because it seems that he, despite supposedly being an anti-government libertarian, has introduced an incoherent collection of things he wants the government to do.

He wants to change the way the state deals with taxes, water, utilities, drones, fishing, elections, genetically-modified foods, summer school, mining, ferries, health insurance, planning, housing, Medicaid, child custody, aircraft and domestic violence. He also wants three amendments to the State Constitution.

If he gets anything more than the three resolutions I mention above, I will be very surprised.

He is almost certainly not going to either of his two quarry bills. Not the one to give Charlestown the authority to regulate mining. Not his bill to direct DEM to come up with regulations for mining. 

The later bill is no great loss since it completely fails to address reclamation meaning that when the quarry operator eventually walks away from the mine, there is no obligation to reclaim the land or remove dangerous high walls, such as the one that killed a young Westerly man at the Copar/Armetta quarry on May 25.

These bills will not pass, first because Filippi is introducing them and second because they do not fit Gov. Raimondo’s or Speaker Mattiello’s jobs-first priority. The other reason Filippi's bills won't pass is because there are competing bills from Rep. Brian Patrick Kennedy and Sen. Dennis Algiere (Senate Bill No. 621  SUB A). 

Kennedy, who introduced House Bill No. 5680, is part of the House leadership and Algiere, although a Republican, is well-liked by the Democrats. One or both of these bills might have a better chance even though they also might die because they conflict with the Governor’s and Speaker’s jobs-over-the-environment agenda.

Flip will not be able to deliver on this campaign promise to the Copar victims.

His promises on taxes – all of them – were pre-empted by competing Democratic bills. If any legislation to cut income tax on retirement income is going to pass, it will be the Democratic version.

For baffling reasons, the one bill that Filippi seemed to want more than any other bill is the bill that nobody wants – except two right-wing crazies from Little Compton and fellow wingnut Rep. Justin Price of Richmond, who may be even crazier than Flip.

This was House Bill No. 5352 to repeal Rhode Island’s $7 salt-water fishing license. Filippi made the mistake of trying to double-speak the organized fishermen after they told him they absolutely did not want the state license repealed. The fishermen told Filippi - and testified in force at the House hearing - that they liked things exactly the way they are. 

If Flip's bill became law, instead of a $7 state license fee, fishermen would have to buy a $25 federal license and the state would lose tons of money it uses to improve fishing facilities.

At first, Filippi told the fishermen he would pull the bill, then he would amend the bill, then he would somehow target the federal license but in the end brought the bill to repeal the license to a hearing with hilarious results that I detailed here and HERE.

At the bizarre hearing on Filippi's anti-fishermen bill, he PROMISED the committee and the audience that the bill they were looking at was not the real bill he wanted to introduce. He even went so far as to hand out copies of the bill he said he planned to substitute for the bill being heard. 

That was April 9 and as of June 12, he still has not introduced the promised substitute bill. Based on the record, I conclude he simply forgot about it, having gotten more than his 15 minutes of infamy.

The General Assembly session isn’t quite over yet and, as the saying goes, “it ain’t over till it’s over.” 

Then we can do a final tally on Flip’s record. We’ll also take a look at the other two right-wingers who won locally in 2014, Sen. Elaine Morgan (R-Hopkinton) and Rep. Justin Price (R-Richmond). Their records aren’t likely to win them any awards either.

But the voters of Charlestown, especially those aligned with the CCA Party or who live under the shadow of the Copar Quarry, I invite you to review the official record below, taken directly from the General Assembly Bill-Tracker, and judge for yourself if this is what you wanted. You can look at the bills themselves by following the links in the listings that begin immediately after these footnotes.


[1] This Westerly Sun article is a good example. Filippi’s approach in his freshman year has been to introduce bills, put out a news release, get a few media hits and then forget it. Notice that in the Sun article, he is listed as “I-Charlestown.” Is Flip now claiming Charlestown as his home, rather than Block Island where he claims he lives, or Lincoln or Providence where he told RI Future editor Bob Plain he actually lived?

[2] Filippi ran as an “Independent” even though he is registered as a Republican and is and has been a major donor to Republicans candidates. He caucuses with the Republican House members. He is not by any reasonable definition an independent.

[3] Filippi claims to live in his mother’s house on Block Island although numerous official records list him as living in his mother’s house in Lincoln. He told Bob Plain, editor of Rhode Island’s Future that he was actually living in an apartment in Providence. 

Legislative Status Report
Session Year: 2015 Sponsor: Filippi, Blake

House Bill No. 5044
BY  Edwards, Nunes, Marshall, Newberry, Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - LEVY AND ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL TAXES (Creates an exemption from taxation for certain residential property developments which have not been completed or, not been sold and occupied.)
01/08/2015 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government
02/05/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
03/13/2015 Scheduled for consideration (03/19/2015)
03/19/2015 Committee recommends passage
03/19/2015 Placed on House Calendar (03/24/2015)
03/24/2015 House read and passed
04/09/2015 Referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government
06/10/2015 Committee recommends passage in concurrence

House Bill No. 5051
BY  Edwards, Filippi, Roberts, Bennett, Abney
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - SURVEILLANCE DEVICES (Prohibits surveillance on any public highway in the state unless specifically authorized by statute or court order. Also provides for the confidentiality of information collected or stored.)
01/08/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
01/20/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5054
BY  Edwards, Newberry, Filippi, Roberts, Corvese
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY - JOINT COMMITTEE OF THE REPEALER (Creates the joint committee of the repealer in the general assembly.)
01/08/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
01/20/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5056
BY  Morgan, Lancia, Roberts, Filippi, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX (Exempts retirement and social security income from state personal income tax.)
01/08/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/28/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5057
BY  Costa, Lancia, Nardolillo, Filippi, Reilly
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX (Exempts social security income from state personal income tax.)
01/08/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/28/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Resolution No. 5194
BY  Morgan, Filippi, Giarrusso, Price, Chippendale
01/21/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
02/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/14/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5277
BY  Morgan, Chippendale, Filippi, Nardolillo, Reilly
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY -- AUDITOR GENERAL (Enables the auditor general to take under investigation any matter within the scope of an audit.)
02/04/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
02/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/05/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5304
BY  Marcello, Hearn, Fellela, Bennett, Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO ELECTIONS (Adds the secretary of state to the board of elections as a nonvoting ex officio member. Requires board of canvassers to clearly mark the fifty foot (50') buffer zone at each polling place where political campaigning is prohibited.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5308
BY  Morgan, Reilly, Price, Filippi, Lancia
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY - LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT COMMISSION (Enables the secretary of the oversight commission to issue subpoenas upon a majority vote.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
02/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/17/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5310
BY  Morgan, Chippendale, Reilly, Filippi, Giarrusso
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES - MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FRAUD (Would increase penalties for false statements made relative to certification or recertification of medical care facilities.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
02/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/14/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Resolution No. 5313
BY  Morgan, Chippendale, Filippi, Reilly, Trillo
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
02/24/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

This is Filippi's first bill coming more than a month after the session opened. Filippi had promised to introduce all his bills dealing with his campaign promises in the first week, saying he could do that because he was a lawyer and familiar with writing legislation. Right.
House Bill No. 5321
(by request)
BY  Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND USE ACT - MORATORIUM COMPREHENSIVE PERMIT APPLICATIONS - CHARLESTOWN (Grants the town of Charlestown a moratorium until June 1, 2016, during which it would not be required to entertain, receive or consider comprehensive permit applications from for-profit developers.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W.
03/06/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/09/2015 Meeting postponed (03/11/2015)
03/09/2015 Committee transferred to House Finance
05/27/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5326
BY  Reilly, Marshall, Newberry, Filippi, Giarrusso
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- ESTABLISHING AN OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL (Establishes the office of inspector general as an independent administrative agency charged with the purpose of preventing and detecting fraud, waste and abuse, and mismanagement in the expenditure of public funds.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
03/17/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5331
BY  Malik, Marshall, Gallison, Filippi, Kennedy
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - THE EDUCATION EQUITY AND PROPERTY TAX RELIEF ACT (Amends the provisions of the Education Equity and Property Tax Relief Act by freezing the amount of the regionalization bonus at two percent (2%).)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance

This is a CCA Party bill that follows through on their bizarre "Water War" with the Glista family and the state Water Resources Board. Click here for details.
House Bill No. 5339
(by request)
BY  Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO WATERS AND NAVIGATION -- WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES (Requires consent by a municipality of any land acquisition therein by the water resources board.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
03/03/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration

House Bill No. 5340
BY  Filippi, Shekarchi, Edwards, Solomon, Reilly
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION TAX (Provides that neither the Public Service Corporation Tax or the Sales Tax, which are paid by customers, would apply to any increase in electricity rates or charges which are greater than those in effect on December 31, 2014.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/28/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5346
BY  Roberts, Lancia, Newberry, Price, Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - PERSONAL INCOME TAX (Exempts the amount of military pension which is included in federal adjusted gross income from the state income tax.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance

This is Filippi's infamous fishing bill that fishermen absolutely HATED. Note that the promised substitute bill Filippi promised on April 9 he would introduce has not been introduced.
House Bill No. 5352
BY  Filippi, Reilly, Craven, Shekarchi, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO FISH AND WILDLIFE -- SALTWATER FISHING LICENSE (Repeals the saltwater fishing license requirement.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Environment and Natural Resources
02/18/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/09/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5372
BY  Ajello, Blazejewski, O`Grady, Filippi, Handy
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO ELECTIONS -- CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS (Makes extensive changes to the election laws, including the definition of what a vote is, how to store ballots in cases of disputed results; allows a voter to take political paraphernalia into polling place and makes the Board decision subject to the APA.)
02/11/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5373
BY  Ajello, Blazejewski, O`Grady, Filippi, Handy
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- CELL PHONE TRACKING (Absents exigent circumstances, mandates that law enforcement obtain a warrant before tracking any cell phone or other electronic device. It would also require disclosure to the subscriber of the phone or other device.)
02/11/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
02/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5390
BY  Lancia, Trillo, Morgan, Newberry, Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS (Requires that all charges collected by telecommunications and prepaid wireless providers in connection with the E-911 system be deposited into a restricted receipt account for the sole purpose of administering the system.)
02/11/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/13/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5395
BY  Fogarty, Naughton, Filippi, Keable, Shekarchi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION (Expands the definition of food and food ingredients for purposes of title 44 to include seeds and plants used to grow food and food ingredients.)
02/11/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/12/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5431
BY  Kennedy, Filippi, Azzinaro, Price, Roberts
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- PAYMENTS TO FIRE COMPANIES (Requires reimbursement payments from the general fund to volunteer fire departments responding to emergencies on or along Route 95.)
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance

House Bill No. 5451
(by request)
BY  Tobon, Barros, Abney, Coughlin, Filippi
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
04/08/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5454
BY  Filippi, Roberts, Blazejewski, Barros, Morgan
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE - AERIAL PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT (Prohibits law enforcement from using unmanned aerial vehicles without a proper warrant.)
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/31/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Resolution No. 5459
BY  Roberts, Nunes, Azzinaro, Abney, Filippi
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
04/08/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5461  SUB A
BY  Keable, Johnston, Filippi, Serpa, O`Grady
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES - MOTORCYCLES (Requires motor vehicle operator and chauffeur licenses valid for motorcycle operation, to state so conspicuously.)
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/03/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
03/06/2015 Scheduled for consideration (03/10/2015)
03/10/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A
03/12/2015 Placed on House Calendar (03/17/2015)
03/17/2015 House passed Sub A
03/19/2015 Referred to Senate Special Legislation and Veterans Affairs
06/08/2015 Scheduled for hearing (06/10/2015)
06/10/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Resolution No. 5462
BY  Filippi, Blazejewski, Lancia, Nardolillo, Chippendale
ENTITLED, JOINT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE, PUBLISH AND SUBMIT TO THE ELECTORS--A PROPOSITION OF AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE (MAJORITY VOTE REQUIREMENT THROUGH INSTANT RUNOFF VOTING FOR GENERAL OFFICERS AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEMBERS' ELECTION) (Proposed constitutional amendment that would require all winning candidates for general office and general assembly elections receive a majority of the votes, with an instant runoff voting system if no initial majority of votes is received.)
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5502
BY  Filippi, Costa, Slater, Lima, Ajello
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO FOOD AND DRUGS - GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS (Requires all food businesses, with the exception of restaurant's, who have gross sales of over $500,000 to post a sign informing their customers that all there food products contain modified organisms, unless there labels say otherwise.)
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W.
03/04/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5511
BY  Filippi, Roberts, Tanzi, Fogarty, Lally
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - SUMMER SCHOOL COSTS (Permits free summer school attendance for students needing course credits to graduate.)
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
04/09/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Resolution No. 5519
BY  Filippi, Nardolillo, Roberts, Morgan, Lancia
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
03/11/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5548
BY  Nardolillo, Filippi, Costa, Lancia, Giarrusso
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE - DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACT (Increases the assessment collected from persons convicted of or placed on probation for domestic violence from one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) to two hundred twenty-five ($225) dollars.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
03/10/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request

House Bill No. 5549
BY  Nardolillo, Chippendale, Filippi, Costa, Lancia
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION (Provides that corporations with less than fifty (50) employees shall not be subject to the $500 minimum corporate tax.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/28/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5562
BY  Nardolillo, Chippendale, Filippi, Lancia, Costa
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION (Provides that corporations with more than fifty (50) employees would be subject to a minimum corporate tax two hundred fifty dollars, ($250).)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/28/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5566
BY  Morgan, Chippendale, Filippi, Giarrusso, Roberts
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC FINANCE -- PUBLIC CORPORATION DEBT MANAGEMENT (Would prohibit moral obligation bonds not secured by the full faith and credit of the state (RI Constitution VI:16) or secured by revenues (RI Constitution VI:17))
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/13/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5567
BY  Morgan, Giarrusso, Filippi, Roberts, Lancia
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - RHODE ISLAND MUNICIPAL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (Establishes municipal performance management program funded by the department of administration to improve services in the government sector.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
03/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5572
BY  Roberts, Chippendale, Filippi, Lancia, Nardolillo
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - SALES AND USE TAXES - LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION (Exempts from the sales and use tax, the purchase and use of telecommunication products or services that are necessary for internet access.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/08/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
05/22/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration

House Bill No. 5576
BY  Morgan, Roberts, Filippi, Lancia, Giarrusso
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES -- PUBLIC ASSISTANCE ACT (Requires retailers to examine a photo id to verify that a buyer presenting an EBT card is entitled to use the card. It further provides that a retailer who neglects to perform such verification shall be suspended from the program for 1 month.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W.
04/08/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5587
BY  Lima, Filippi, Ajello, Costantino, Serpa
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO FOOD AND DRUGS - MILK SANITATION CODE (Requires that labels or marks on milk or milk products include information disclosing whether such milk or milk product has been genetically engineered or modified.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W.
03/18/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5598
BY  Morgan, Chippendale, Price, Filippi, Lancia
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO INSURANCE -- SMALL EMPLOYER HEALTH INSURANCE AVAILABILITY ACT (Requires small employer carriers to permit small employers, collectively as a group, to purchase group health insurance plans.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
03/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/07/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5628
BY  Williams, Filippi, Kazarian, Serpa, Tanzi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES - SEXUAL ASSAULT- STATEWIDE ACCOUNTING OF UNSUBMITTED RAPE KITS (Compels law enforcement agencies to provide a report identifying and describing any untested sexual assault collection kits.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/06/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/10/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request (03/11/2015)

House Bill No. 5631
BY  Newberry, Filippi, Regunberg, Slater, Blazejewski
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO FOOD AND DRUGS -- UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT (Eliminates the bond requirements in civil forfeiture cases, and allows a petitioner to request that the court determine if a forfeiture is disproportionately excessive, and may be reduced or eliminated as it deems appropriate.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/31/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5632
BY  Roberts, Nardolillo, Filippi, Kazarian, Abney
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO DOMESTIC RELATIONS -- DOMESTIC ABUSE PREVENTION (Allows parents/interested parties to file family court petition for minor child protective order and lists when order may be sought and relief granted by court.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/06/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/14/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Resolution No. 5662
BY  Filippi, Roberts, Costa, Chippendale
ENTITLED, JOINT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AND PUBLISH AND SUBMIT TO THE ELECTORS A PROPOSITION OF AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE (EMPOWERMENT OF INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYERS) (The constitutional amendment would affirm the standing of each individual taxpayer to contest the validity or legality of any governmental expenditure or tax in the appropriate forum.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
04/07/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5663
BY  Filippi, Nardolillo, Price, Chippendale, Giarrusso
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES -- CODE OF ETHICS (Eliminates a number of exceptions to the "revolving-door rule," so-called.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
04/07/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

These next two bills are the Copar Quarry bills Filippi promised to introduce in the first week of January. 
House Bill No. 5676
BY  Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- GENERAL POWERS (Authorizes the town of Charlestown to regulate excavation and extraction activity within the town.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government
04/02/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5680
BY  Kennedy, Azzinaro, Filippi, Nardolillo, Roberts
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- ZONING ORDINANCES (Regulates the blasting, creation, and storage of stone dust.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government
03/19/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
04/09/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5703
(by request)
BY  Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- REGULATORY POWERS OF ADMINISTRATION (Grants standing to cities and towns in ferry regulations before the PUC and division of public utilities.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
04/02/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/08/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request

House Bill No. 5704
BY  Filippi, Reilly, Roberts, Price, Costa
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO INSURANCE -- UNAUTHORIZED INSURANCE BUSINESS--HEALTH INSURANCE (Permits Rhode Island residents to purchase health insurance from out-of-state companies, and would require HealthSourceRI to make this option known to consumers.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
03/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/31/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request (03/31/2015)

House Bill No. 5705
(by request)
BY  Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS - PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (Requires that matters/petitions involving common carriers of persons/property upon water between termini within this state on a year-round basis be heard by 2 commissioners and a designee of the city/ town council most dependent upon the service provided.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
04/02/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/08/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request

This is one of the nutty anti-RhodeMap RI bills that our radical right-wingers have vowed to block. Click here for more detail.
House Bill No. 5713
BY  Filippi, Costa, Price, Giarrusso, Morgan
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - STATE GUIDE PLAN (Requires general assembly approval of the state guide plan or any amendments or modifications thereto.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/21/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5714
BY  Filippi, Hearn, Marcello, Price, Ackerman
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
06/04/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5715
BY  Filippi, Ackerman, Blazejewski, Kazarian, Lancia
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - AUDIO AND VIDEO RECORDINGS (Requires audio and video recordings of all meetings of state and quasi-public agencies and bodies to be transmitted to the secretary of state's office for posting on its website and made available for public access.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/13/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5719
BY  Filippi, Blazejewski, Reilly, Newberry, Costa
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION (Clarifies the statutory language defining retailers that enter into agreements with residents who refer potential customers to retailers by links to internet sites, as it relates to the computation of sales and use taxes.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/12/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5720
BY  Filippi, Roberts, Morgan, Nardolillo, Costa
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES - MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FRAUD (Entitles whistleblower to payment if they provide information regarding medical assistance fraud.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/26/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5722
BY  Roberts, Filippi, Azzinaro, Nunes, Hull
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - SALES AND USE TAXES (Lowers the sales and use tax rates to five percent (5%).)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance

House Bill No. 5740
(by request)
BY  Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- RESIDENTIAL MINING SAFETY (Directs the department of environmental management and the state fire marshal to regulate mining and blasting near residential areas and schools.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W.
04/29/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5887
(Executive Office of Commerce)
BY  Serpa, Ruggiero, Filippi, Solomon, Ackerman
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF COMMERCE (Eliminates the governor's commerce and workforce coordination cabinet, and gives additional duties to the secretary of commerce.)
03/13/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
06/04/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5894
BY  Trillo, Filippi, Nardolillo, Chippendale
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - CURRICULUM (Requires the department of elementary and secondary education, pursuant to rules promulgated by the commissioner of elementary and secondary education, to develop curricular material on financial literacy.)
03/13/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W.
04/08/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5897  SUB A
(Environmental Management)
BY  McNamara, Filippi, Price, Chippendale, Tanzi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO FISH AND WILDLIFE -- SEAFOOD MARKETING (Adds aquaculturist membership and representation to the seafood marketing collaborative of 2011.)
03/13/2015 Introduced, referred to House Environment and Natural Resources
04/02/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
05/05/2015 Scheduled for consideration (05/07/2015)
05/07/2015 Committee recommends passage
05/08/2015 Placed on House Calendar (05/13/2015)
05/13/2015 House read and passed
05/14/2015 Referred to Senate Environment and Agriculture
05/20/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
05/27/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A
06/09/2015 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar (06/10/2015)
06/10/2015 Senate passed Sub A

House Resolution No. 5913
Resolution 131
BY  Filippi, Kennedy, Mattiello, Ruggiero, Ajello
03/17/2015 House read and passed

House Bill No. 5922
Act 53
BY  Filippi
03/18/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
03/20/2015 Scheduled for consideration (03/24/2015)
03/24/2015 Committee recommends passage
03/24/2015 Placed on House Calendar (03/26/2015)
03/26/2015 House read and passed
04/09/2015 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar (04/14/2015)
04/14/2015 Senate passed in concurrence
04/14/2015 Transmitted to Governor
04/22/2015 Effective without Governor's signature

House Bill No. 5960
BY  Filippi, Roberts, Nardolillo, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO DOMESTIC RELATIONS -- UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT (Provides that agreements between the parties as to jurisdiction of child custody disputes will be enforced when a foreign country is involved.)
03/20/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/31/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5984
BY  Morgan, Lancia, Reilly, Price, Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC FINANCE -- BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF STATE (Requires a referendum for public financing or tax relief in connection with a professional baseball stadium.)
03/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
06/04/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5997
BY  McNamara, Malik, Azzinaro, Lancia, Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- SOLAR INDUSTRY ECONOMIC INVESTMENT ACT (Establishes opportunities for investment in solar energy and solar energy product suppliers and manufacturers.)
03/27/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance

House Resolution No. 6030
Resolution 189
BY  Giarrusso, Serpa, Costa, Filippi, Malik
04/02/2015 House read and passed

House Bill No. 6041
BY  Roberts, Price, Chippendale, Filippi, Nardolillo
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- RHODE ISLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND USE ACT (Provides an opt-out provision for cities and towns regarding the provision in state guide plan regarding affordable housing/related land use provision by providing timely notice with the chief of the division of planning.)
04/03/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/21/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 6070
BY  Azzinaro, Kennedy, Carson, Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT (Increases the town of Westerly's share of the hotel tax revenue generated by hotels located in the town of Westerly from twenty-five percent (25%) to thirty-two percent (32%).)
04/15/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/27/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 6082
BY  Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - GENERAL POWERS (Requires common carriers serving New Shoreham to pay landing fees monthly and provide town with monthly accounting and any reports provided to state/federal government.)
04/15/2015 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government
04/24/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
05/14/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request

House Bill No. 6090
(by request)
BY  Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE - DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACT (Authorizes the court to permit residents of Block Island to complete a court-approved counseling program in domestic violence cases with a provider on Block Island.)
04/16/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
05/06/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 6093
BY  Carson, Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - STATE EMBLEMS (Designates the American burying beetle to be the official state insect.)
04/16/2015 Introduced, referred to House Environment and Natural Resources
04/30/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Resolution No. 6117
Resolution 231
BY  Tanzi, Fogarty, Filippi
04/28/2015 House read and passed

House Resolution No. 6169
Resolution 258
BY  Newberry, Casey, Filippi, Morin, Winfield
05/05/2015 House read and passed

House Bill No. 6172
BY  Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO SOLEMNIZATION OF MARRIAGES (Allows Scott Andrew Lennox to join Matthew Robert Gregg and Bethany Lynn Quirk in marriage on or about June 27, 2015, within the Town of South Kingstown, Rhode Island.)
05/06/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
05/12/2015 Committee recommends passage
05/15/2015 Placed on the House Consent Calendar (05/19/2015)
05/19/2015 House read and passed
05/21/2015 Referred to Senate Judiciary
06/02/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/04/2015)
06/04/2015 Committee recommends passage in concurrence
06/10/2015 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar (06/11/2015)
06/11/2015 Senate passed in concurrence
06/11/2015 Transmitted to Governor

House Bill No. 6194
BY  Tobon, Blazejewski, Nardolillo, Filippi, Barros
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- ELECTRONIC VEHICLE RECOVERY SERVICES (Creates the "electronic vehicle recovery services act", and sets forth certain requirements for owners of vehicles within which such recovery services apparatus has been installed, and for all such recovery service providers.)
05/13/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary

House Resolution No. 6235
Resolution 319
BY  Fogarty, Tanzi, Filippi
05/21/2015 House read and passed

House Resolution No. 6277
Resolution 346
BY  Azzinaro, Kennedy, Filippi
06/03/2015 House read and passed

House Resolution No. 6306
BY  Carson, Azzinaro, Filippi, Marshall, Carnevale
06/11/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations

Total Bills: 78