Saturday, June 6, 2015

Charlestown Town Council meeting preview and predictions

Rumble strip rumble likely to be meeting highlight
By Will Collette
The clown car rolls again.
The Charlestown Town Council holds its regular monthly meeting on Monday, June 8 at Town Hall. Like most of the meetings of the current all-Charlestown Citizens Alliance (CCA Party) Council, most of the issues have already been decided and consigned to the “consent agenda” where they will be dispatched in one vote without discussion and debate.

Issues that will actually be discussed will almost certainly end with unanimous votes because that’s how town government under the CCA Party rolls. I am pretty certain that the outcome for each and every item on the agenda has already been decided at the monthly CCA Party Steering Committee meetings which is held at a secret time and secret location, closed to the public, with no published minutes, and probably in gross violation of the state Open Meetings Act.

First up on the agenda is a pretty sorry bit of hypocrisy where the Council will acknowledge the recent, well-deserved awards given to the Parks and Recreation Department, whose director Jay Primiano was recently forced to resign and whose functions the CCA Party seems determined to gut. 

But the show must go on, so count on Council Boss Tom Gentz to put on his Uncle Fluffy act to praise Acting P&R Director Vicky Hilton to the hilt, all the while working to stick a dagger in her back – up to the hilt.

Then comes one of the guaranteed highlights of the meeting – concerned citizens living on or near Route One where the state DOT is considering installing rumble strips. To see a lot more detail on this controversy, click here.

Here’s the official agenda with links to items provided on-line through the IQM2 data service. My commentary appears in Bold Red next to the item.

Charlestown Town Council
Regular Meeting
6/8/2015 7:00 PM
Council Chambers
Town Hall   4540 South County Trail   Charlestown, RI 02813
Agenda Agenda Packet 
CALL TO ORDER, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
A. Resolution of Commendation for Vicky Hilton in Recognition of Receiving Program Manager of the Year Award and the Parks and Recreation Department in Recognition of Receiving the Distinguished Recreation Department of the Year Award from Rhode Island Recreation and Parks Association
PUBLIC COMMENT for items not on the Agenda
A. Town Administrator
B. Commission Reports
A.    Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Approval of a Letter from the Town Council to David Ackroyd in Recognition of Act of Kindness and Good Citizenship Toward the Moid Family in Late May 2015

Good deeds should NOT always go unpunished, as in this case where a young man found a wallet lost in Charlestown and returned it to its rightful owner. While that’s commendable and sets a good example, I’m not sure this really warrants official government action. But Uncle Fluffy rarely turns down an opportunity to act like Uncle Fluffy. Maybe this should come with a joyride in Gentz’s vintage Porsche sports car if it’s really such a big deal.
A.    Discussion and Potential Action on a Request from the Bicycle Pathway Ad Hoc Committee for Approval of the Ninigret Park Pathways Plan and a Budget Appropriation, with a Funding Source to be Determined

Here’s an issue with the potential to expose some of the internal contradictions within the CCA Party. CCA Party founder and former Steering Committee Faith Labossiere is proposing to spend $7,000 to lay out a bicycle trail in Ninigret Park at the same time that the CCA Party has been ratcheting itself up to block, if not roll back, human recreational activity in the Park.
Yeah, signs always work
B. Discussion and Potential Action on Purchasing Ten (10) Informational Roadway Signs About Clean Water on Access Roads to Densely Populated Areas of Charlestown  

As we all know, the best way to deal with a toxic contamination problem is to put up signs about it asking people to please not pollute.

After twenty years of work on these types of problems, I learned that toxic polluters, large and small, react to such signs as a vampire does to garlic. 

This is a sure-fire way to ease the fears of Quonnie residents that their well water will be pure and sweet because no form of pollution can penetrate a sign. I’m joking (I have to keep remembering that the CCA people all suffer from Humorous Dyscognition)
Motion to sit as the Beverage Licensing Board
A. Public Hearing and Potential Action Regarding the Following Application for Beverage License: VSA Arts Rhode Island for a Class F Liquor License, Fee to be Waived, for the Rhythm and Roots Event to be Held at Ninigret Park on September 4 – Alcohol Served 4:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M., September 5 – Alcohol Served 11:00 A.M. Until 11:00 P.M., September 6 – Alcohol Served 11:00 A.M. Until 11:00 P.M.  

Will the angry Arnoldans come out to attack the R&R Festival? They used R&R as the reason to attack putting up shelters for children who come to Ninigret Park for summer day camp, so why not go after the whole thing? I presume they will stick around after attacking Faith LaBossiere’s bike path proposal.
Motion to grant VSA Arts Rhode Island for a Class F Liquor License, fee to be waived, for the Rhythm and Roots event to be held at Ninigret Park on August 29 – alcohol served 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., August 30 – alcohol served 11:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., August 31 – alcohol served 11:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. subject to receipt of all required paperwork and all stipulations and rules and regulations as required by the Liquor Control Administration and the Town Council
Motion to adjourn as the Beverage Licensing Board
In a nutshell, your taxes are going to go up because for the seventh year in a row, the CCA dominated Council is raising the tax rate. The new rate should be around $10.11 (up from $10.10 in the budget vote and last year’s rate of $9.90 ) per $1000 in property valuation. 

Since the CCA Party took control of Charlestown in 2008, the tax rate has gone up by 30%. Personally, I think we’re all suckers for letting them get away with this.

The chart to the left is from the Charlestown Tax Assessor. You can now add a line "2015 - $10.11" because that will be the rate as of July 1, and which you will see in your new tax bill. You can thank the CCA Party for that.
B. Introduction and First Reading of Amendments to the Mooring Regulations, to be Advertised for Public Hearing on July 13, 2015
C. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding a Resolution in Opposition to House Bill 6100, an Act Relating to Agriculture and Forestry – Right to Farm, and Any Corresponding Senate Bill
Motion to accept, approve and place on file the following as the consent agenda: "CA" A - "CA" I 
NO discussion or debate on these “CA” items and only one vote taken to approve them all.
"CA" C. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Approval of the Following Events at Ninigret Park with a Recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, Subject to Review of Contracts by the Town Solicitor, Receipt of All Applicable Paperwork and Insurance and that All Event Details Are Satisfactorily Met by the Parks and Recreation Director:
1. Event: Westerly Public Inclusion Preschool Program - Preschool Special Needs Fun Day Event Dates: June 10, 2015 Camping: N/A Insurance: $1 Million General Liability Fee: Waived
2. Event: Kingston Hill Academy - 4Th Grade Field Trip Event Dates: June 12, 2015 Camping: N/A Insurance: $1 Million General Liability Fee: $170.00
3. Event: Charlestown Elementary PTO - Mother/Son/Boys Choice Event Dates: June 12, 2013 Camping: N/A Insurance: $1 Million General Liability Fee: Waived
4. Event: Frosty Drew Memorial Fund - Adventures in Space Event Dates: July 3, 2015 Camping: N/A Insurance: $1 Million General Liability Fee: Waived
5. Event: New Hope Chapel Picnic and Baptism Event Dates: August 23, 2015 Camping: N/A Insurance: $1 Million General Liability Fee: $50.00
6. Event: RI Overall Flying Disc Championship Event Dates: August 30, 2015 Camping: N/A Insurance: $1 Million General Liability Fee: $100.00
7. Event: Italian Greyhound Club of America Lure Coursing and LGRA Meet Event Dates: September 12, 2015 to September 13, 2015 Setup Date: September 11, 2015 Camping: N/A Insurance: $1 Million General Liability Fee: $25.00
"CA" D. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Approval of the Following Events at Pawaget Park with a Recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, Subject to Review of Contracts by the Town Solicitor, Receipt of All Applicable Paperwork and Insurance and that All Event Details Are Satisfactorily Met by the Parks and Recreation Director:
1. Event: MS Society - Greater New England Chapter Event Dates: June 21, 2015 Camping: N/A Insurance: $1 Million General Liability Fee: Waived
"CA" E. Approval of the Award of the Diesel Fuel Bid to Ginger's Service Station, Inc. for a Net Mark Up of $.38 Per Gallon and an Add Price of $.38 Per Gallon for Winter Blend, as Budgeted in Line Item 01.620.6020, and Authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing; or Take Any Other Action Thereto
"CA" F. Approval of the Award of the Heating Fuel and Maintenance Services Bid to Ginger's Service Station, Inc. for a Mark Up of $.05 Per Gallon, a Regular Hourly Cost of $75.00 Per Hour and a Weekend/Holiday Cost of $85.00 Per Hour, as Budgeted in Line Item 01.620.6020 for Fuel and Line Item 01.620.6040 for Maintenance And repairs, and Authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing; or Take Any Other Action Thereto
"CA" G. Approval of the Selection of Cherenzia and Associates, Ltd., for Land Surveying Services and Preparation of Administrative Subdivision Plans for Assessor’s Plat 16, Lots 13, 13-1 and 6-1, the “Mary Lucey” Property. This Approval is Per the Town Administrator’s Recommendation Under RIGL §45-55-81 – Qualification Based Selection Process for the Procurement of Architects and Engineers. This Approval is for an Amount of $8,900, Plus an Hourly Rate of $125 for Unforeseen Costs, If Necessary, and Will Require Additional Town Administrator Approval. Funding to Come from Budget Line Item 01.960.9625, and Authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing; or Take Any Other Action Thereto
"CA" H. Award of the Ninigret Park Restroom Cleaning Bid to Mark H. Russo for an Amount Not to Exceed $8,610, as Budgeted in Line Item 830.6065, and Authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing
"CA" I. Acceptance of the Resignation of Amanda J. Magee from the Zoning Board of Review, with Regret. EDITOR’S NOTE: Ms. Magee is one of the few remaining non-CCA Party members of the Zoning Board. With her resignation, the seat on the full board will likely go to First Alternate JoAnn “Shingles” Stolle. 

Stolle is a loyal CCA Party foot soldier and former, temporary Planning Commission member. It was there that Stolle made her mark by pitching in to try to stall construction of the town’s voter-approved beach pavilions over the issue of the color of shingles. Stolle said she had a basement loaded with construction samples, including shingles, and she was certain she could find just the right shingle to make the pavilion at Blue Shutters Beach blueish in the best possible way.

Now, she can use her position on the Zoning Board to impose her taste in construction materials on any and all applicants who come before the Board. 

NOTE TO COUNCIL: be sure to replenish the amount of cash set aside for litigation against the Town.