Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rep. Justin Price: Is he the dumbest member of the RI House or the most radical? Or both?

Good thing he’s also ineffective
By Will Collette
In November 2014, voters in our area turned out three smart, effective state legislators and elected in their place the Three Stooges of RI’s Radical Right. Out went Rep. Donna Walsh, Sen. Cathie Cool Rumsey and Rep. Larry Valencia. In came Blake “Flip” Filippi, Elaine Morgan and Justin Price.

Today we’ll look at what voters in Richmond, Hopkinton and Exeter have gotten by swapping out Rep. Larry Valencia (D) for Tea Party/militia Republican Justin Price. We’ll look at what legislation he brought to the RI House of Representatives and co-sponsored as the scheduled June 30 close of the session looms near.

Prior to his election, Price’s only experience in politics was to run as a GOP Convention delegate for Ron Paul in the 2014 Republican primary.

He came in dead last in a field of six, not that it mattered since Ron Paul did not win any Rhode Island convention delegates anyway.

Price’s lack of experience and Ron Paulish view of the world shows in the “work” he has done in his first year in the RI House of Representatives. While his name appears on 41 bills, only six of them are his.

Three of the bills are non-substantive and were passed. They are House Bill No. 5126 that ratifies Richmond’s voter-approved charter amendments; House Bill No. 5421, allowing Frank Bellistri to perform the wedding of Ashley Choquette and Kevin Wright of Richmond and House Bill No. 5649 allowing Richmond to cut two hours from the time its polls are open.

He only introduced three bills of any substance and withdrew one of them. They are House Bill No. 5509 that would have exempted combat veterans from paying state beach and park fees. Not a bad idea, might be hard to actually put into practice, but it has been “held for further study” which is not a good sign since the House plans to end its session on June 30.

He introduced House Bill No. 5643 to eliminate the affordable housing mandate for municipal comprehensive plans. However, that bill was “withdrawn at sponsor's request”  on May 21 to be replaced by House Bill No. 6040 that does pretty much the same thing. Charlestown’s CCA Party would love to see this bill passed, but this one has also been “held for further study” where it will probably die.

Most of Price’s co-sponsorships were to right-wing bills introduced by his colleagues in the Republican caucus. I think he’s a co-sponsor on just about all of Flip Filippi’s bills.

But what made me pay more attention than his lackluster performance deserves was watching Price in action.

The first time I actually laid eyes on him was at the House hearing on Flip Filippi’s bill to repeal the state saltwater fishing license, a measure that all the state’s organized salt-water fishermen’s groups vehemently opposed. Click here to find out why.

After more than a dozen representatives of fishing groups testified against the bill, two guys from Little Compton who may or may not have been together rose to support it. Their reason for supporting the repeal of the licensing fee is that they hate the idea of the government licensing anything because, you know, freedom. I found their testimony as well as their demeanor chilling for its crackling hatred of the government.

But that didn’t bother Justin Price who had to chime in with compliments for these witnesses, admiringly calling one of them a “true Three Percenter.”
Three Percenters with their flag getting ready to take on the gubbermint

Yeah, I know, you’re wondering what is a “Three Percenter.” 

Well, it’s like a gang sign for radical right-wing white people.

It’s a code relating to a belief held by many radical right groups that it only took 3% of the American population to fight and win the Revolutionary War. I have not seen any actually historical evidence to support this concept, although you could probably say that about most wars – that only a very small percentage of the population actually take up arms. That's certainly true about our wars since 9/11.

Anyway, the radical right, especially Flip Filippi’s client, the Oath Keepers, use this “Three Percenter” code as a way of identifying each other. When Price made that remark to one of the scary guys who testified against the government requiring any licenses at all, I came to believe that he is not just stupid, but also dangerous.

Price is also one of those guys who thinks that RhodeMapRI is a government conspiracy to force lily-white communities like Richmond to allow non-white people to live there. Imagine! For more on the silly conspiracy theories about RhodeMap RI, click here.

Oh, and on top of everything else, Price is also a climate change denier. EcoRI reports that Price was the only legislator on the House Environment and Natural Resources Committee to vote against a study of the potential economic efforts of climate change because he doesn’t believe it exists. And there’s a village in Richmond that’s missing its idiot.

Richmond, Hopkinton and Exeter – you elected him, but we're all stuck with him until 2016. 

Now check out his legislative record below, copied directly from the General Assembly Legislative Tracker database.

Legislative Status Report 
House Bill No. 5055
BY  Giarrusso, Price, Nardolillo, Roberts, Newberry
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX (Exempts retirement income from state personal income tax.)
01/08/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/28/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
House Bill No. 5056
BY  Morgan, Lancia, Roberts, Filippi, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX (Exempts retirement and social security income from state personal income tax.)
01/08/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/28/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5126
Chapter 13
BY  Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT VALIDATING AND RATIFYING AMENDMENTS TO THE HOME RULE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND (Ratifies the amendments to the Richmond town charter passed on November 4, 2014.)
01/15/2015 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government
01/29/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
02/23/2015 Scheduled for consideration (02/26/2015)
02/26/2015 Committee recommends passage
02/26/2015 Placed on House Calendar (03/04/2015)
03/04/2015 House read and passed
03/05/2015 Referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government
03/25/2015 Committee recommends passage in concurrence
03/26/2015 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar (04/01/2015)
04/01/2015 Senate passed in concurrence
04/01/2015 Transmitted to Governor
04/09/2015 Effective without Governor's signature

House Resolution No. 5194
BY  Morgan, Filippi, Giarrusso, Price, Chippendale
01/21/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
02/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/14/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5196
BY  Morgan, Giarrusso, Chippendale, Price, Nardolillo
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS - URINE AND BLOOD TESTS AS A CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT (Permits drug and alcohol testing of employees of state or municipal agencies who operate state or municipally owned vehicles.)
01/21/2015 Introduced, referred to House Labor
02/12/2015 Committee postponed at request of sponsor
04/30/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5218
BY  Lancia, Diaz, Regunberg, Roberts, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS - PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (Provides that electric rate increases over five percent (5%) in a three (3) year period be subject to general assembly approval.)
01/29/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
02/10/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5237
BY  Morgan, Reilly, Chippendale, Price, Nardolillo
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - SALES AND USE TAXES - LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION (Prohibits the collection of a sales or use tax on that portion of a motor vehicle lease payment representing taxes payable by the lessor on the leased motor vehicle.)
01/29/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/12/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5279
BY  Morgan, Roberts, Lancia, Chippendale, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- ESTATE AND TRANSFER TAXES--LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION (Exempts from the estate tax property used in the conduct of a trade or business to the value of five million dollars ($5,000,000).)
02/04/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/28/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5308
BY  Morgan, Reilly, Price, Filippi, Lancia
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY - LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT COMMISSION (Enables the secretary of the oversight commission to issue subpoenas upon a majority vote.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
02/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/17/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5317
BY  Morgan, Price, Chippendale, Giarrusso, Nardolillo
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - LEVY AND ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL TAXES - TAX CLASSIFICATION (Reduces the permitted differential between various classes of taxable property from fifty percent (50%) to twenty-five percent (25%).)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government
03/05/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5329
BY  Morgan, Giarrusso, Reilly, Chippendale, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - THE RHODE ISLAND HEALTH BENEFITS EXCHANGE ACT (Terminates "HealthSourceRI" and transfers its management and operation to the federal government beginning January 1, 2016.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
03/10/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5346
BY  Roberts, Lancia, Newberry, Price, Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - PERSONAL INCOME TAX (Exempts the amount of military pension which is included in federal adjusted gross income from the state income tax.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance

House Bill No. 5352
BY  Filippi, Reilly, Craven, Shekarchi, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO FISH AND WILDLIFE -- SALTWATER FISHING LICENSE (Repeals the saltwater fishing license requirement.)
02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Environment and Natural Resources
02/18/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/09/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5421
Act 45
BY  Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO SOLEMNIZATION OF MARRIAGES (Allows Frank Bellistri to join Ashley Lynn Choquette and Kevin James Wright in marriage on or about June 20, 2015, within the Town of Richmond, Rhode Island.)
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
02/24/2015 Committee recommends passage
02/24/2015 Placed on the House Consent Calendar (02/26/2015)
02/26/2015 House read and passed
03/05/2015 Referred to Senate Judiciary
03/12/2015 Committee recommends passage in concurrence
03/17/2015 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar (03/19/2015)
03/19/2015 Senate passed in concurrence
03/19/2015 Transmitted to Governor
04/09/2015 Effective without Governor's signature

House Bill No. 5431
BY  Kennedy, Filippi, Azzinaro, Price, Roberts
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- PAYMENTS TO FIRE COMPANIES (Requires reimbursement payments from the general fund to volunteer fire departments responding to emergencies on or along Route 95.)
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance

House Bill No. 5509
BY  Price, Abney, Barros, Casey, Costa
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (Exempts purple heart recipients and honorably discharged veterans who were engaged in active combat or fighting in any war or armed conflict from paying user fees at any state beaches, parks, and recreational areas.)
02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/20/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5538
BY  Lancia, Marshall, Abney, Malik, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO VETERANS - SMALL BUSINESS LOAN PROGRAM (Creates a transitioning veterans' small business loan program through the commerce corporation.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
04/14/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request

House Bill No. 5598
BY  Morgan, Chippendale, Price, Filippi, Lancia
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO INSURANCE -- SMALL EMPLOYER HEALTH INSURANCE AVAILABILITY ACT (Requires small employer carriers to permit small employers, collectively as a group, to purchase group health insurance plans.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
03/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/07/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5606
BY  Roberts, Chippendale, Nardolillo, Price, Reilly
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES - OPERATORS' AND CHAUFFEURS' LICENSES (Requires that any individual applying for a driver's/chauffeur's license possess a valid social security number.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
03/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
04/01/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request

House Bill No. 5643
BY  Price, Reilly, Roberts, Costa
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CITIES AND TOWNS - RHODE ISLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND USE ACT (Eliminates state mandate requiring cities/towns include affordable housing program in comprehensive plans.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/19/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
05/21/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request (05/21/2015)

House Bill No. 5644
BY  Roberts, Price, Nardolillo, Costa
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- RHODE ISLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND USE ACT (Removes state mandate requiring cities/towns to include affordable housing programs in plans and opt-out provisions regarding the same including land use in the state guide plan.)
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/19/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
05/21/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request (05/21/2015)

House Bill No. 5649
Chapter 39
BY  Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO ELECTIONS -- POLL OPENING TIMES (Removes the exemption that the town of Richmond had received, which allowed its polls to open at 9 a.m., rather than 7 a.m., for special and primary elections.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
03/27/2015 Scheduled for consideration (03/31/2015)
03/31/2015 Committee recommends passage
03/31/2015 Placed on House Calendar (04/02/2015)
04/02/2015 House read and passed
04/09/2015 Referred to Senate Judiciary
04/14/2015 Committee recommends passage in concurrence
05/12/2015 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar (05/13/2015)
05/13/2015 Senate passed in concurrence
05/13/2015 Transmitted to Governor
05/21/2015 Effective without Governor's signature

House Bill No. 5663
BY  Filippi, Nardolillo, Price, Chippendale, Giarrusso
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES -- CODE OF ETHICS (Eliminates a number of exceptions to the "revolving-door rule," so-called.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
04/07/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5704
BY  Filippi, Reilly, Roberts, Price, Costa
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO INSURANCE -- UNAUTHORIZED INSURANCE BUSINESS--HEALTH INSURANCE (Permits Rhode Island residents to purchase health insurance from out-of-state companies, and would require HealthSourceRI to make this option known to consumers.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
03/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/31/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request (03/31/2015)

House Bill No. 5713
BY  Filippi, Costa, Price, Giarrusso, Morgan
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - STATE GUIDE PLAN (Requires general assembly approval of the state guide plan or any amendments or modifications thereto.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/21/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5714
BY  Filippi, Hearn, Marcello, Price, Ackerman
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
06/04/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5735
BY  Morgan, Reilly, Price, Chippendale, Nardolillo
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION (Exempts from the estate tax the value of a qualified small business valued at an amount not greater than $5,000,000.)
02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/28/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5895
BY  McNamara, Casey, Azzinaro, Lancia, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (Permits children under eighteen (18) years of age who are attending career and technical education schools, to participate in career and technical internships or teacher supervised job site training program.)
03/13/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W.
04/01/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
04/13/2015 Scheduled for consideration (04/15/2015)
04/15/2015 Committee recommends passage
04/27/2015 Placed on House Calendar (04/29/2015)
04/29/2015 House read and passed
05/26/2015 Referred to Senate Education
06/08/2015 Scheduled for hearing (06/10/2015)
06/10/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5897  SUB A
(Environmental Management)
BY  McNamara, Filippi, Price, Chippendale, Tanzi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO FISH AND WILDLIFE -- SEAFOOD MARKETING (Adds aquaculturist membership and representation to the seafood marketing collaborative of 2011.)
03/13/2015 Introduced, referred to House Environment and Natural Resources
04/02/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
05/05/2015 Scheduled for consideration (05/07/2015)
05/07/2015 Committee recommends passage
05/08/2015 Placed on House Calendar (05/13/2015)
05/13/2015 House read and passed
05/14/2015 Referred to Senate Environment and Agriculture
05/20/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
05/27/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A
06/09/2015 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar (06/10/2015)
06/10/2015 Senate passed Sub A
06/13/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/17/2015)

House Bill No. 5932  SUB A
BY  Edwards, Nunes, Price, Canario
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PROPERTY - MECHANICS' LIENS (Provides for notice of mechanic liens either as incorporation into a contract, or a separate document within 10 days of commencement of work or delivery of materials.)
03/19/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
04/08/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
05/29/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/02/2015)
06/02/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A
06/05/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/09/2015)
06/09/2015 House passed Sub A
06/11/2015 Referred to Senate Judiciary

House Bill No. 5960
BY  Filippi, Roberts, Nardolillo, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO DOMESTIC RELATIONS -- UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT (Provides that agreements between the parties as to jurisdiction of child custody disputes will be enforced when a foreign country is involved.)
03/20/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/31/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5984
BY  Morgan, Lancia, Reilly, Price, Filippi
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC FINANCE -- BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF STATE (Requires a referendum for public financing or tax relief in connection with a professional baseball stadium.)
03/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
06/04/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 5999
BY  Nardolillo, Lancia, Price, Chippendale, Abney
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- FALSE REPRESENTATION OF MILITARY STATUS (Creates the crime of stolen valor, for falsely representing himself or herself as a member of the military or armed forces, which is punishable by imprisonment of not more than one year, a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both.)
03/27/2015 Introduced, referred to House Veterans Affairs
04/16/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 6015
BY  Giarrusso, Nardolillo, Roberts, Price, Chippendale
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC FINANCE -- STATE BUDGET (Requires quasi-public corporations to present budget revenue requests in line item format detailing expenditures commencing on July 1, 2015.)
04/01/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
06/04/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 6040
BY  Price, Roberts, Chippendale, Costa, Nardolillo
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - STATE GUIDE PLAN (Prohibits certain affordable housing programs with requirements that exceed those set forth in the general laws of the state from being included in the statewide planning program.)
04/03/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/21/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 6041
BY  Roberts, Price, Chippendale, Filippi, Nardolillo
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- RHODE ISLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND USE ACT (Provides an opt-out provision for cities and towns regarding the provision in state guide plan regarding affordable housing/related land use provision by providing timely notice with the chief of the division of planning.)
04/03/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/21/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 6043
BY  Nardolillo, Chippendale, Price, Roberts
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- RHODE ISLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND USE ACT (Repeals the provisions and references to compliance with the state guide plan relative to local comprehensive planning for land use.)
04/03/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/21/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 6086
BY  Morgan, Giarrusso, Reilly, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - CIGARETTE TAX (Eliminates the requirement that all cigarettes seized by the state in violation of state taxation laws be destroyed.)
04/16/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/26/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 6087
BY  Morgan, Reilly, Giarrusso, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - CONVENTION CENTER AUTHORITY (Requires the Convention Center Authority Corporation to apply fifty percent (50%) of any net profit identified by an annual accounting approved by the corporation to reduce any existing corporate debt.)
04/16/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/13/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 6177
BY  Keable, Newberry, Price, Blazejewski, Slater
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY - CBD-RICH HEMP ACT (Allows for the growth and sale of hemp as an agricultural product subject to registration as cultivator with the division of agriculture, while sales, storage and growth of hemp products would be under the regulation of the department of health.)
05/07/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W.
05/20/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
06/05/2015 Scheduled for consideration
06/11/2015 Meeting postponed (06/11/2015)
06/14/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/16/2015)

House Bill No. 6241
BY  Newberry, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO FOOD AND DRUGS -- UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT--EXCLUSION OF HEMP (Clearly specifies that "hemp" would not be subject to the provisions of the "uniform controlled substances act", thereby legalizing the cultivation and possession of such plant.)
05/22/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W.

Total Bills: 41