Bill honoring the American burying beetle was lobbied for by third graders
Rep. Lauren Carson
(D-Dist. 75, Newport) and Sen. V. Susan Sosnowski (D-Dist. 37, South Kingstown,
New Shoreham) introduced the legislation (2015-H
6093, 2015-S
448) at the request of the students who discovered earlier this year that
Rhode Island is one of only four states without a state insect.
They suggested the
American burying beetle, which was once found in many eastern states but now
exists only on Block Island and in five states west of the Mississippi River,
as a means of bringing some attention to the endangered species’ plight.
The orange and black
scavenger’s population has been in decline for a century. It was named an
endangered species in 1989. Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence has been
working for several years to save the species by breeding it for a
reintroduction project on Nantucket.
The students, who also met with the zoo
director who leads that program as part of their effort, say naming the
American burying beetle the state insect would help raise awareness of its need
for protection.
Senator Sosnowski, whose
district includes the beetle’s habitat of Block Island, said she was proud to
introduce the legislation on the students’ behalf and impressed at their
significant effort in support of it.
“The students behind
this bill have worked hard to make their idea a reality, negotiating the
democratic process like adults and exercising their rights as involved
citizens. It’s been an excellent civics lesson for them, and they’ve been a
great example to other kids of how any citizen, at any age, can be engaged in
their government and make a difference,” said Senator Sosnowski.
Representative Carson
said she is honored to have been able to help the students turn their idea into
state law, and hopes their success teaches kids all over the state about the
their own power as citizens.
“This has been a very
memorable year for this class. They’re nearly a decade too young to vote, but
they just made their very own state law, which genuinely was the result of
their own research, lobbying and their ability to effectively communicate the
worthiness of their idea. What are they going to do in fourth grade?” said
Representative Carson.