Monday, June 22, 2015

VIDEO: John Oliver has a suggestion for what to do with confederate flags

More suggestions from Bill from Portland, Maine:

Modern-day Things To Do with a Confederate Flag
Burn it
Shred it
Bury it
Use it as toilet paper
Or a cleaning rag
Or a snot rag
Sop up cat barf
Or dog barf
Or, really, any kind of barf
Make it a puppy training pad
Or a single-use disposable cloth diaper
Or a Birdcage liner
Use it as a prop in a permanently-disappearing Confederate flag magic act.
Make it an exhibit in a "disgusting chapter in American history" museum wing
Unravel each strand and stitch them back together to form a real American flag.
Paint it white as a reminder of what happened to the original slavery-loving confederate flag wavers.