Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wonder if the CCA blog is a target?

We’ve all seen the hateful posts, despicable memes and blatant calls for the execution of elected officials, Muslims, and “thugs” in our Facebook and Twitter feeds. It’s no secret that in promoting an atmosphere of hate and intolerance, the Republican propaganda machine has created a sub-culture of “patriots” who believe violent uprisings, coordinated attacks on Muslims and organized militias to fight the gub’mint are the only way to return America to 1789.

The pages and groups dedicated to such philosophies have attracted the attention of the Justice Department. A study grant for more than a half million dollars has been awarded to Michigan State University, aimed at combating violent extremism.

The study will concentrate on the far-right as well as extremist Muslims, with more focus on the far-right.

Conservatives are about to lose their minds, having been grouped together with the only demographic they despise more than peace-seeking liberals.

According to Foxnews.com, who felt the need to note that “The study draws more upon right-wing forums than upon the corners of the web inhabited by Islamist extremists,” the study says:
“We will collect posts made in four active forums used by members of the far-right and three from the Islamic Extremist community, as well as posts made in Facebook, LiveJournal, Twitter, YouTube, and Pastebin accounts used by members of each movement.The findings will be used to document both the prevalence and variation in the ideological content of posts from members of each movement. In addition, we will assess the value of these messages in the social status of the individual posting the message and the function of radical messages in the larger on-line identity of participants in extremist communities generally.”
The study will also focus on the long-term effects of the group mentality and the effects on an individual’s online identity.

Well that’s easy. Far-right groups are violent mobs who pledge to shoot at federal authorities, consider taking the law into their own hands a constitutionally guaranteed right, and are committed to the removal and execution of President Obama, at times even siding with ISIS.

Having spent a great deal of time undercover in these groups for my own research, I can tell you from experience that once hooked, the online identity of these people becomes completely entrenched in madness, racism and discord for all things that include truth, science, rationality or logic.

Fear and contempt are fueled by long-discredited myths, gun control measures that don’t exist, and other ridiculous conspiracieslike President Obama invading Texas.

Hopefully the study, when completed, will bring the hate Addicting Info and many others report on daily to a more public light, exposing the cretinous right for what they are: Terrorists.
Author Charles Topher is a lifetime lefty liberal from Lowell who has managed to migrate (legally) to the backwoods of Maine. He writes from a 1 acre progressive bubble where Nobama stickers on pickemup truck bumpers are common.