If park visitors
want to see bears in the wild, we have to accept our share of the
responsibility for living with them.
A week later, a black bear injured a man near Yosemite National Park. The
man had left a bag of trash outside his house, and the bear was eating it. When
the man went out at 4 a.m. and discovered the bear, it attacked.
Again, authorities plan to kill the bear.
It’s understandable that Yellowstone doesn’t want its grizzly
population to be in the habit of eating humans. It’s rare for grizzlies to hunt
people, but they’re known to defend their cubs against humans who come too
close — sometimes violently.
Black bears are a different story. They’re smaller than
grizzlies and much less aggressive.
From Fake Science |
Most of the time, black bears deal with a threat by running
away. Hikers are instructed to shoo black bears away by yelling
at them, throwing a rock or two, or banging some metal pans together.
But when a bear loses its fear of humans and gets a taste for
human food, it can cause problems.
Property damage is more common than bear
attacks, but black bears are known to mess up a human or two in order to obtain
their food.
National parks tell tourists that “a fed bear is a dead bear,”
rightly putting the onus on people to keep bears from eating human food.
While it’s nearly impossible to keep a nuisance bear from
stealing food and destroying property, it is possible to keep
bears from becoming a nuisance in the first place. It requires 100 percent
compliance by people in bear country to keep food and trash and anything else
with a smell (like toiletries) in bear-proof containers.
Once a bear starts down the path of eating human food, very
often the authorities deal with it by killing it. And often the person tasked
with the killing has spent an entire career trying to keep that bear from human
food to save it.
By leaving his trash out in bear country, the man who was
attacked directly contributed to the death of that bear, as well as his own
In grizzly country, it’s a little more complicated. You can stay
safe by traveling in groups, making noise to avoid surprising a bear, and
carrying bear-strength pepper spray. That’s what my friends and I do.
Traveling to national parks and other wild places is a
privilege. Seeing bears in the wild is a thrill. But we’re encroaching on their
territory, and they can’t just move somewhere else — we’ve turned their habitat
into roads, strip malls, neighborhoods, and farms. No wonder grizzlies are a
threatened species today.
If we want to see bears in the wild, then we have to accept our
share of the responsibility for living with them. Let’s all enjoy our national
parks, but let’s be meticulous about bear safety when we do.
Because that funny story of a bear stealing burgers off the
grill won’t be so funny for the ranger who gets tasked with killing it.
columnist Jill Richardson is the author of Recipe for America: Why
Our Food System Is Broken and What We Can Do to Fix It. OtherWords.org.