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Saturday, September 12, 2015


Come out and show your support
The event is starting and ending at the RI State House lawn (facing Providence Place Mall).We will gather at noon, there will be a speaking program at 12:30, then we will step off the 2 mile walk at about 1 p.m!  The walk ends at the State House and we'll have a celebration, which will include performers.  

A map for the walk is here. Note: the map image is basically from Google, which we are providing to our walkers.  I would suggest that this image is not for publication (not sure how the rights for Google maps work!).

The walk benefits AIDS Project RI (a division of Family Service of RI) and AIDS Care Ocean State. The theme: Keeping Hope Alive!

This is a rain or shine event!

Speakers include: Congressman David Cicilline; Mayor Jorge Elorza; Public Health Director Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH; community representative Ronald Lewis; Philip Chan, MD, the Miriam Hospital's Immunology Center; and others.

We will remember late philanthropist Guy Abelson and will present the Hope Harris Award to a person or organization with a longtime dedication to the fight against HIV/AIDS.  You may remember the late Hope Harris from Senator John Chafee/Senator Lincoln Chafee's office; she was on the AIDS Project RI board of directors.  Please note: Members of Hope Harris's family will be present, and are scheduled to lead the walk.

There will be musical performances, and other great activities.