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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Stand with Planned Parenthood!

If they expected you to stay quiet, they don't know you very well.

Anti-abortion extremists have spent weeks spreading misinformation about Planned Parenthood doctors and nurses. Politicians in Congress are hell-bent on stripping funding from health centers that provide birth control, cancer screenings, and other lifesaving care.

They think they can force their agenda on women nationwide and steamroll anyone who gets in their way.

Now is the time to stand with Planned Parenthood with pride and determination. Make a gift of $10 or more today, and we'll show our appreciation by sending you this limited-edition sticker.

Your contribution right now will help make sure we have the resources we need to fight for women's health and rights in Congress, in the courts, and in communities like yours. It will help us stand up for the millions of patients who count on Planned Parenthood health centers. It will make a powerful difference in this critical moment.

And when you receive your sticker, you can show your support for Planned Parenthood proudly, boldly, and confidently. It's your way of telling the world: I stand for women's health and rights, no matter what.

We know what we're up against, and we know what we're in for over the coming weeks. Out-of-touch politicians are vowing to defund Planned Parenthood health centers — and threatening to shut down the government if they don't get their way. They are determined to block patients from getting care from the doctors and nurses they trust.

The only way we can protect the women, men, and young people who are counting on Planned Parenthood is to speak out, stand up, and fight back — with every single supporter like you sticking right with us every step of the way. Will you chip in $10 right now to do your part and get your thank you sticker?

Every donation makes a difference — and every dollar will be put to use protecting women's health and rights. Click here to get your sticker — and thank you for standing with Planned Parenthood.

Cecile Richards, President
Planned Parenthood Federation of America