Not only does union membership raise the wages of
working people, which means a better standard of living for children, but it
leads to policies that help schools and children.
A new study suggests that unions may also help
children move up the economic ladder.
Researchers at Harvard, Wellesley and the
Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, released a paper Wednesday
showing that children born to low-income families typically ascend to higher
incomes in metropolitan areas where union membership is higher….
Their most interesting explanation is that unions are effective at pushing the political system to deliver policies — like a higher minimum wage and greater spending on schools and other government programs — that broadly benefit workers.
Their most interesting explanation is that unions are effective at pushing the political system to deliver policies — like a higher minimum wage and greater spending on schools and other government programs — that broadly benefit workers.
Perhaps not surprisingly, three cities that appear to reflect the
union effect — San Francisco, Seattle and New York — are all jurisdictions
where the minimum wage is rising substantially (though for New York it is only
for workers in fast-food chains.)….
It’s important to emphasize that the study
does not establish causality — the authors can’t prove that unions are driving
the improvement in mobility. For that matter, they don’t attempt to. The
finding establishes only that, in their words, “mobility thrives in areas where
unions thrive….”
And that, in turn, suggests something
potentially important, though equally speculative, about the effects of unions
more broadly: Higher rates of unionization may give rise to certain norms that
instill a greater sense of agency in workers.
For example, people who belong to unions are
generally aware that they have certain rights in the workplace and are
encouraged to speak up if they believe they’ve been mistreated.
It’s the kind
of norm that could leach out into a broader population — to both union members
and their nonunion peers — if unions are sufficiently visible and active, which
could in turn help boost economic mobility.