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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Palinizing the GOP

To most people, Sarah Palin is a joke. Or better yet– she’s a punchline. Sarah Palin walks into a bar with no priest, rabbi or plumber from Philly, and still the magic can happen because the possibilities are endless. 
Sarah Palin has proven herself to be the most under-qualified person ever to exist in American politics. She’s the equivalent of that trick play the Colts tried to pull against the Patriots — nobody knew what was going on and the whole thing was a complete disaster.
Just imagine for a moment that you didn’t have the mental capacity to see past the guns, bibles and American flags that Sarah Palin uses as symbols of some kind of biblical…resistance to the…tea that the …King of England made Thomas…Jackson drink.

See what I did there? Everyone with any amount of intelligence knows that you could take that last paragraph and play, “Who said it, Palin or Addicting Info” with it, and you’d stump half of America. She’s that ridiculous. 

In a scathing review of her past failures, White House Chief Of Staff William Daley placed the responsibility for today’s ever so ridiculous Republican Party squarely on themselves for allowing Sarah Palin to mold the modern Republican. That includes everything she’s done since winning the governor’s seat in Alaska — and then quitting because, well…hopefully it was because she realized she just shouldn’t govern things.

In his article for the Washington Post, Daley said That the modern Republican party is “carnival-like” and that it failed to redeem itself after Palin’s “blatant lack of competence and preparedness” turned the party into a hangout for non-critical thinkers.
Daley writes:
“What’s critical is that substantive, serious Republican leaders either wouldn’t or couldn’t declare, before or after the election: ‘This is not what our party stands for. We can and must do better’
“Once McCain put Palin on the ticket, Republican ‘grown-ups,’ who presumably knew better, had to bite their tongues. But after the election, when they were free to speak their minds, they either remained quiet or abetted the dumbing-down of the party. They stood by as Donald Trump and others noisily pushed claims that Obama was born in Kenya. And they gladly rode the Tea Party tiger to sweeping victories in 2010 and 2014.”
While playing stupid most certainly did a lot of damage to the makeup of Congress, people are catching on. The crazy is being driven further and further into the depths of red-rurality where it belongs. You go ahead and do your thing — just don’t violate anyone’s civil rights, m’kay?
Daley continues:
“Now that tiger is devouring the GOP establishment. Party elders had hoped new presidential debate rules would give them greater control. But they are watching helplessly as Trump leads the pack and House Republicans engage in fratricide.”
It really is just coming all unraveled. What’s funny is the powers that be, Koch Brothers and the likes, would probably love to see Donald Trump, who let’s face it would get into office and immediately start making ridiculous business deals, win the election. A Trump presidency would be the end of the United States as we know it. The very notion of that man running our country is ridiculous.
Sarah Palin made him possible. She and other batsh*t crazy Republicans like Michelle Bachman, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee will be judged by history to be a social experiment in mass control gone horribly wrong.

Author Charles Topher is a lifetime lefty liberal from Lowell who has managed to migrate (legally) to the backwoods of Maine. He writes from a 1 acre progressive bubble where Nobama stickers on pickemup truck bumpers are common.