One site lists 19 such attacks in the last week. And so hundreds of
Rhode Islanders representing many different races and faiths (and no faith)
gathered in Kennedy Plaza to reject hate and fear and embrace freedom, peace
and human rights.
The rally in Providence was a chance to stand against terror.
Recent events in San Bernardino and Paris have been used by the
Republican presidential candidate front runner Donald Trump as a way to foment
fear and bigotry. Parallels have been drawn, without irony or exaggeration, to
the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s.
“Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I
was not a Jew.
“Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for
Here in Rhode Island, a line against the horrors of the past has
been drawn. So on the same day that the far right parties in France were routed
by voters turning out in force to clearly reject of the politics of fascism and
fear, Rhode Islanders came together to support and defend our Muslim neighbors.
Hundreds of people crowded Kennedy Plaza to say, unequivocally:
To be present at this rally, to watch the children play, to see
the people smile and laugh together, to hear one speaker after another call for
compassion, reason and courage in the face of the murderous ideologies of ISIS
and to call for an end to hate speech was to see Rhode Island at its best.
Our state is the cradle of religious liberty and freedom of
conscience, and on this day we honored that legacy.
I can’t recall a time that I have felt more proud of my state.
The event was organized by the Rhode Island Council for
Muslim Advancement, (RICMA)
the Rhode Island
State Council of Churches, the Board of Rabbis of Greater RI, MAE organization for the
Homeless, the Refugee Dream
Center of RI,PAKPAC,
and the Association of
Pakistani Physicians of RI (APPRI).
Steve Ahlquistis an award-winning journalist, writer, artist and
founding member of the Humanists of Rhode Island, a non-profit group dedicated
to reason, compassion, optimism, courage and action. The views expressed are
his own and not necessarily those of any organization of which he is a member. His
photos and video are usable under the Creative Commons license. Free to share
with credit.
and Twitter: @SteveAhlquist