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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Charlestown Emergency Management Agency says it is working to preserve flood insurance discount

Planning for disasters key to preserving the discount
EDITOR’S NOTE: Starting in 2012, we’re reported a number of times about Charlestown’s effort to secure a good rating from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for storm preparation. Town Housing and Zoning official Joe Warner even tookspecial classes. The result was Charlestown receiving the best FEMA rating in the state which translates into big savings on flood insurance for coastal property owners in Dec. 2014. But that rating requires continued effort by the town. Here is an official news release from the Charlestown Emergency Management Agency that describes current efforts. 

CHARLESTOWN, RI. - Tuesday, January 05, 2016 - The Charlestown Natural Hazard Mitigation Committee (CNHMC) is updating the local natural hazard mitigation plan. A public meeting to review the draft Charlestown Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (Plan) is scheduled for Thursday, January 28, 2016 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm in the Cross Mills Public Library located at 4417 Old Post Road, Charlestown.

During the meeting, the public is invited to make comments and/or suggestions. An emergency management official will be on hand to answer questions. All comments received from the public will be documented and considered for inclusion in the Plan.

According to Dori Boardman, Chair of the CNHMC, the Plan is a process designed to reduce the loss of life and property during time of natural disaster events.

"This Plan is being completed through a cooperative effort of town officials," Boardman said. "Once it meets approval of Town Council and the public, it will be submitted to the RI Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA) for review and comment then will be given to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for final review."

Boardman says the Plan is designed to mesh with and support RIEMA's statewide Hazard Mitigation Plan (2014). This will help increase coordination between local, state, and federal agencies during times of disaster. In addition, by completing a hazard mitigation plan, 

Charlestown is entitled to apply for future federal relief dollars to fund specific mitigation projects, continue to provide reduced insurance premiums through the Community Rating System (CRS) Program, and reduce and/or eliminate vulnerabilities resulting from disaster events throughout Charlestown.

Please visit click Town Departments, then on drop-down menu click Building/Zoning Official's page to see a draft copy of the committee's Risk Assessment Matrix; an integral component of the draft Plan.