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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

VIDEO: Vanilla ISIS unhinged

Here’s the video via YouTube:

In a glorious segment on the Late Show, Stephen Colbert piled on the mockery of the anti-government loons who took over a federal wildlife refuge building without preparing for the long haul.

When Ammon and Ryan Bundy seized the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, they were hoping to ignite a war against the federal government. 

Instead, the federal government ignored them and most of America laughed at them and the right-wing militia movement became an even bigger joke than it has ever been.

The armed militants have been labeled “Y’all qaeda” and “Vanilla ISIS” and drew even more ridicule after having to beg people to send them snacks through the US Postal Service because they somehow forgot to prepare for a long occupation. 

Pic of the MomentAmmon Bundy has even backed away from his brother’s claim that the group came there to kill or be killed during an embarrassing interview with Megyn Kelly.

Clearly, Bundy’s pathetic rebellion has very little support. And Stephen Colbert only added more mockery on Tuesday night.

“I haven’t seen this many angry, bearded men in Oregon since I referred to Blue Moon as a craft beer,” Colbert quipped.
“These confused, fragile, heavily armed creatures need someplace to live where civilization won’t upset them. They’re clearly endangered, although it’s hard to know exactly how many there are because their camo is so good. Here’s one standing between two bushes, I believe. Sadly, there’s no hope of establishing a breeding program because, frankly, it’s a bit of a sausage fest.”
Colbert also mocked the stand-off the armed traitors hoped for but didn’t get.
“Probably not what the protesters had in mind. That’s like taking over the Alamo and then not being surrounded by the Mexicans.”
To conclude, Colbert mocked Bundy and his friends for being less prepared than a troop of boy scouts.
“What heroic, go-it-alone mountain men have always needed — Go-Gurt, string cheese and Lunchables. I want you to hang in there, fellas, because help is on the way.”
The refuge should really be renamed the “Ammon Bundy Preserve for the Armed and Cranky,” Colbert suggested.

Yeah, hang in there, guys. Because the longer you carry on this farce, the more material you give to Stephen Colbert and the rest of the world with which to mock you. 

Congratulations, you all are officially a worldwide joke.