Consumption May Play a Role in Reducing Risk for Alzheimer’s
National Institute on Aging
New research published Feb. 2 in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that older adults with a major risk gene for Alzheimer’s disease known as APOEɛ4 who ate at least one seafood serving per week showed fewer signs of Alzheimer’s-related brain changes.
contrast, this association was not found in the brains of volunteers who ate
fish weekly but did not carry the risk gene.
The researchers also examined the brains for levels of mercury,
which can be found in seafood and is known to be harmful to the brain and
nervous system.
They found that seafood consumption was associated with
increased mercury levels in the brains but not the amount of beta amyloid
protein plaques and tau protein tangles, the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.
The study aimed to determine whether seafood consumption is
related to brain mercury levels, and whether either seafood consumption or
brain mercury levels may play a role in the brain changes that lead to
Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Older volunteers participating in the Memory and Aging Project
(MAP) study, conducted by Rush University Medical Center, completed annual
dietary questionnaires over a number of years.
At the start of the study,
the participants were cognitively normal, but some eventually developed
cognitive impairment and dementia.
The brains of 286 deceased study
participants, whose average age was 89.9 years, were analyzed for
neuropathologies, or detrimental brain changes, of Alzheimer’s disease and
other dementias.
National Institute on Aging (dementia and
Alzheimer disease):
Dallas Anderson, Ph.D.
NIA Division of Neuroscience
Dallas Anderson, Ph.D.
NIA Division of Neuroscience
National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences (environmental exposures to mercury):
Cindy Lawler, Ph.D.
Chief of the NIEHS Genes, Environment, and Health branch
Cindy Lawler, Ph.D.
Chief of the NIEHS Genes, Environment, and Health branch
Grant Number:
Morris MC, Brockman J, Schneider JA, Wang Y, Bennett DA, Tangney
CC, van de Rest O. 2016. Association of seafood consumption, brain mercury
level and APOE-ε4 status with brain neuropathology in older adults. JAMA
315(5):489-497. [Abstract]
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