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Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Can someone please tell me when exactly does the Republican Party have to finally take responsibility for unleashing these lunatics on the American people? 

Margaret, they are about to vote in my state honey, and then they’re coming for you.  Get ready. 

Can someone please tell me when exactly does the Republican Party  have to finally  take responsibility for unleashing these lunatics on the American people? I mean they gave us Sarah Palin and now this?  

After years of pandering to uneducated, racist, gun-loving, women hating,  born again and again and again asshats, the Republican Party is finally reaping their reward – Donald Trump. And they don’t seem very happy with their harvest.

I saw an interview with a gay, black Republican congressman from Georgia who is supporting Rubio. I think that makes him a unicorn.  But anyway…  The reporter pointed out that Rubio doesn’t recognize the congressman’s relationship with his same-sex partner. The congressman responded by saying that was ok because neither did his mother.  Now if that ain’t the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.  Well it was, at least until I watched that debate.

Watching the debate I actually found myself  agreeing with Donald on a few things.  Rubio is a fool and Cruz is a liar.  The problem is… Donald Trump is an asshole.  And that was the Republican debate in a nutshell – an asshole standing between a fool and a liar.

And then there was crazy.  I’m speaking, of course,  about Ben Carson.  Seriously now.  What does picking a Supreme Court Justice have to do with  fruit salad?  He hardly has a thing to say all night, poor dear, and then ends with some bit about  his healing hands.  Good Lord, he spent most of the night with his hands in his pockets doing God only knows what. Why is he even there?  Oh that’s right.  So the Republican Party can pretend it’s the party of diversity. 

And then there was Kasich.  Bless his heart.

Anyway, back to the fool, the liar and the asshole.   That is the best and the brightest in the Republican Party?  Trump, Rubio and Cruz? If this group of idiots actually had an intelligent thought among them, it would die of loneliness. 

Maybe if we allow open carry at the next debate, they’ll all accidentally shoot one another and put us out of our misery. These fools couldn’t empty piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

People, you get what you vote for and if you vote Republican that is what you get. A fool.  A liar. An asshole. Or that guy who was off camera most of the night asking politly to be attacked… Because that is the most any black man could ask for from the Republican Party.

And then there was Kasich. Bless his heart.

If you think I’m just being mean, so be it.  If you don’t believe me about Rubio being a fool, research his connections to the Koch brothers.  And if you don’t think Ted Cruz is a liar, research his Senate involvement with immigration reform.  And if you don’t think Trump is an asshole, read any book he’s ever written.

Listen.  I think the right choice is Hillary. Some of you think it’s Bernie.  Can we all at least agree that when the time comes we’ll get ourselves, our family members  and our friends off our asses and out to the polls to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is?  

Because there are three words in the English language that we can never, ever allow to be spoken: President Donald Trump. 

I mean it.  Really.