URI offers a variety of summer programs for kids

For children and teens, below is a sample of programs, full details, costs and links for registration is available at URI Camps and Programs.
• URI’s Summer Engineering Academy (SEA) by the College of Engineering will introduce high school students to the science and the variety of careers opportunities in the overall engineering field. Students will gain hands-on experience in the university’s fully equipped engineering workshop, use tools that are employed in all engineering disciplines, and take field trips to local factories and businesses. (http://egr.uri.edu/summer/)
• Computer Camp will provide students age 9-17 with weeklong sessions exploring different computer programming and related activities all summer. (http://cscamp.cs.uri.edu/index.php)
• • Things will sound really good in July through the first of August when the Music Department holds its string, wind and jazz camps for kids, URI Music Academy (http://www.uri.edu/music/summercamp15.html). Young musicians (grades 3 – 12) will delight with the Wind Ensemble and String Week camps in July, that include overnight opportunities. In partnership with Salve Regina University, the Jazz Camp at Newport (July 17 - 31), including a trip to the Newport Jazz Festival. URI's Chamber music intensive will end URI's music camp season, July 31-Aug. 6.
• The KIDSEYE summer film making camp will return to URI's Kingston Campus. This program (July 11-15) exposes students, ages 8-17, to the basics of filmmaking and ends with a premiere of their finished work. (http://www.film-festival.org/kidseye.php)
• Ocean science explorers (ages 11-15) will take deep sea adventures as part of URI's Inner Space Center camp, (http://innerspacecenter.org/camps/, at the Narragansett Bay Campus, Aug. 15-19.
• And of course, the W. Alton Jones campus -- the State of Rhode Island's biggest back yard -- is ready to welcome kids up to 17 years old for its award-winning programs. (http://www.uri.edu/ajc/eec/camp.htm)
• URI's Sailing Center will be ship shape for its camps throughout the season. (http://web.uri.edu/campusrec/sailing/summerlessons/)
• Swimming lessons that last a lifetime - URI's Learn to Swim program offers a series of camps for infants to teens. URI Swimming (http://web.uri.edu/campusrec/summer-programs/)
• Young athletes will also be quite active with a range of athletic camps, clinics and lessons, as well as training with "The Edge" speed and conditioning (http://web.uri.edu/campusrec/summer-programs/). (http://www.gorhody.com/information/camps/index)
Now, for adults, don't despair -- the University has many engaging programs for you this summer too -- including:
• Summer Session Classes, May 23-July 25, (http://www.uri.edu/summer/)
• Ocean State Writing Conference, June 23-25, 2016, (http://web.uri.edu/summerwriting/)
• Summer Study Abroad, (http://www.uri.edu/international/facultyledprogramssummer.html)
• International Nonviolence Summer Institute, July 6-17, 2016, (http://web.uri.edu/nonviolence/documents/kazu_oaklandoccupation1-pdf/summerinstituteinfo/)
• Summer Institute in Digital Literacy, July 24-29, 2016, (http://mediaeducationlab.com/summer-institute-digital-literacy)
Find all of this information and more at URI Camps and Programs.