University of Adelaide
Led by the University of Adelaide's Australian Centre for
Ancient DNA (ACAD), the researchers have reconstructed a genetic history of
Indigenous American populations by looking directly into the DNA of 92
pre-Columbian mummies and skeletons, between 500 and 8600 years old.
Published in Science Advances, the study reveals a
striking absence of the pre-Columbian genetic lineages in modern Indigenous
Americans; showing extinction of these lineages with the arrival of the
"Surprisingly, none of the genetic lineages we found in
almost 100 ancient humans were present, or showed evidence of descendants, in
today's Indigenous populations," says joint lead author Dr Bastien Llamas,
Senior Research Associate with ACAD.
"The only scenario that fit our observations was that
shortly after the initial colonisation, populations were established that
subsequently stayed geographically isolated from one another, and that a major
portion of these populations later became extinct following European contact.
This closely matches the historical reports of a major demographic collapse
immediately after the Spaniards arrived in the late 1400s."
The research team, which also includes members from the
University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) and Harvard Medical School,
studied maternal genetic lineages by sequencing whole mitochondrial genomes
extracted from bone and teeth samples from 92 pre-Columbian--mainly South
American--human mummies and skeletons.
The ancient genetic signals also provide a more precise timing
of the first people entering the Americas--via the Beringian land bridge that
connected Asia and the north-western tip of North America during the last Ice
"Our genetic reconstruction confirms that the first
Americans entered around 16,000 years ago via the Pacific coast, skirting
around the massive ice sheets that blocked an inland corridor route which only
opened much later," says Professor Alan Cooper, Director of ACAD.
"They spread southward remarkably swiftly, reaching southern Chile by
14,600 years ago."
"Genetic diversity in these early people from Asia was
limited by the small founding populations which were isolated on the Beringian
land bridge for around 2400 to 9000 years," says joint lead author Dr Lars
Fehren-Schmitz, from UCSC. "It was at the peak of the last Ice Age, when
cold deserts and ice sheets blocked human movement, and limited resources would
have constrained population size. This long isolation of a small group of
people brewed the unique genetic diversity observed in the early
Dr Wolfgang Haak, formerly at ACAD and now at the Max Planck
Institute for the Science of Human History, says: "Our study is the first
real time genetic record of these key questions regarding the timing and
process of the peopling of the Americas. To get an even fuller picture,
however, we will need a concerted effort to build a comprehensive dataset from
the DNA of people alive today and their pre-Columbian ancestors, to further
compare ancient and modern diversity."