Cathie Cool Rumsey Announces her Candidacy for State
Senate, District 34

Senate District 34 which includes most of Charlestown north of Route One.
She noted that her business management experience enables
her to focus on the priorities and solutions needed to ensure our state
departments and agencies provide better accountability for taxpayers.
She has
also pledged to continue to be a strong advocate for rebuilding Rhode Island’s
economy, supporting families and protecting the environment.
During her freshman term, Cathie served on the Health and
Human Services Committee and the Environment and Agriculture Committee. She was
the Senate Chair of the Behavioral Health and Firearms Safety Task Force, the
Senate task force on the Department of Children Youth and Families and the
Family Care Networks and Vice-Chaired the joint Permanent Child Care
She sponsored and co-sponsored numerous bills that were
enacted into law. Among them:
- The “Rhode to Work” action plan to equip Rhode Islanders with the skills they need to succeed in the jobs of today and tomorrow.
- A bill that helped low-wage parents seeking decent jobs through job training and Work Readiness programs with better child care assistance.
- Landmark health care cost control legislation to curb rate hikes, ensure quality, and improve access.
“My record shows I took the job of state Senator very
seriously. I worked hard for the benefit of all the citizens of my District and
the state. I sponsored bills that became law and helped hard-working families and
vulnerable children as well as bills that improved the economy, health care
system and the environment. Not only was it an honor and a privilege to
represent the district, I enjoyed rolling up my sleeves, diving into learning
the issues and working with advocates to find solutions.
Unfortunately there
are few ‘quick’ fixes for the many issues facing Rhode Island but I know that
although the problems Rhode Island faces may be difficult and challenging to
solve – they are still solvable. Making snap judgments or parroting the ‘party
line’ on serious, complex issues is not what is best for our district and it
does not serve the people of Rhode Island.
“The Behavioral Health and Firearms Safety Task Force, is a
great example of how people with different perspectives can come together,
respectfully listen to the concerns of others and find common ground to solve
an issue.
The Task Force was made up of law enforcement, Second Amendment
supporters, and mental health advocates and concerned citizens.
As chair, I
ensured that the Task Force analyzed existing law, reviewed the data and came
to a consensus on recommendations for laws that made sense for the state of
Rhode Island. The legislation our Task Force wrote became law."
It takes serious people to tackle Rhode Island’s serious
issues. Cathie Cool Rumsey offers the voters of the 34th Senate District the
choice of a proven leader with a record of concrete achievements.
“I would be honored to return to the senate to work hard for
District 34 – and I respectfully ask for your support to help me win back the
Senate seat in November!”
To learn more about Cathie Cool Rumsey, please visit her
website at