By almost every economic measure, we are better
off than we were when President Obama took office.
By Samuel Warde
and a half years later, President Obama returned to the city to recount the
progress we’ve made since that day. And we’ve made quite a bit of
the past six years, our businesses have created more than 14 million
jobs. Our manufacturing sector is seeing the first sustained
growth since the 1990s.
unemployment rate has been cut in half—same for the oil we buy from
foreign countries. And we’ve doubled our production of clean energy.
the first time ever, more than 90 percent of the country has health
if you ask Republicans in Congress, you’ll get an entirely different—and
entirely false—story. It goes something like this (as told by President Obama):
“America’s working class, families like yours, have been victimized by a big, bloated federal government run by a bunch of left-wing elitists like me. The government is taking your hard-earned tax dollars and giving them to freeloaders and welfare cheats. It’s strangling business with endless regulations. And it’s letting immigrants and foreigners steal whatever jobs Obamacare hasn’t killed yet.”
truth is, by almost every economic measure, we are better off than we were when
President Obama took office.
1: Government Spending
“No, government spending isn’t what’s squeezing the middle class.”
President Obama, we’ve cut the deficit by almost 75 percent. Today, fewer
families are on welfare than in the 1990s, and funding has been frozen for two
And while almost all opponents of the Affordable Care Act
like to claim the historic law is killing jobs and exploding spending, their
claim is demonstrably false. Businesses have added jobs every month since the
President signed health care reform into law in March of 2010.
ACA is actually leading to less spending for the average family as well. The
average family’s premium cost $2,600 less than it would have if premiums had
kept growing at an earlier rate.
#2: Overregulation
“I’ve issued fewer executive orders than any two-term President since Ulysses S. Grant—that’s a long time ago.”
It’s a fact that the President has issued fewer regulations
than President George W. Bush.
And the ones he has issued benefit our
economy—from protecting our air and water to protecting families from getting
cheated when they buy a house or invest their savings.
#3: Trade
“The truth is, the benefits of trade are usually widely spread —it’s one of the reasons why you can buy that big, flat-screen TV for a couple hundred bucks, and why the cost of a lot of basic necessities have gone down.”
Now, it is also true that past trade deals haven’t lived up
to the hype—especially when other countries don’t play by fair rules.
By keeping U.S. goods out of their markets, they unfairly
subsidize their businesses to undercut our own. The worst violators don’t even
have trade deals with us at all.
That’s why the President has brought more trade cases
against other countries for cheating than any other president.
the president said, “Trade has helped our country a lot more than it’s hurt
us.” For example, companies that export pay workers higher wages than companies
that don’t. And under the President’s trade agreement—the Trans-Pacific
Partnership—we will eliminate over 18,000 taxes various countries put on
Made-In-America products. With the TPP, we can rewrite the rules of trade
to benefit America’s middle class.
if we don’t, competitors who don’t share our values, like China, will step in
to fill that void.
#4: Immigration
“Right now, the number of people trying to cross our border illegally is near its lowest level in 40 years.”
the President noted, not only do immigrants start about 30% of all new
businesses in the U.S., they actually pay more in taxes than they receive in
no, immigrants are not the main reason wages haven’t gone up for middle-class
a reflection of the decisions made by companies in which the top CEOs
are getting paid more than 300 times the income of the average worker.
deporting 11 million immigrants would not only cost taxpayers billions of
dollars and tear families apart, it would do nothing to seriously help the
middle class.
our immigration system needs is comprehensive reform, the kind that President
Obama has been pushing Congress to pass.
way, families who have been here for decades can come out of the shadows, go
through background checks, and pay their taxes.
This article, “Here’s the Truth”: President Obama Busts 4 Myths About
the Economy, by Tanya Somanader originally appeared on the official White House website and is republished here under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.