By Samuel Bell in Rhode Island's Future
But individual
consumers form the heart of our economy. We are the ones who power
growth, and when numbers move in the behemoth that is the household sector, the
consequences can be massive.
That is why the
explosion in Rhode Island household debt in 2015 is so important.
Every year, the New
York Fed tracks per capita state household debt, publishing numbers for the
fourth quarter of every year.
Their new numbers contain shocking news for our state.
While per capita household debt went up by $290 nationally from 2014Q4 to
2015Q4, it exploded by $1,240 in Rhode Island.
Statewide, we’re
talking about $1.09 billion.*
To put that number in
context, it is a bit bigger than the sales tax. It is 2.1 percent of
our state’s personal income. It is so huge that it swamps the effect of just
about every 2014 economic policy.
State policy has a
very important effect on economic outcomes, but large swings in household debt
can sometimes drive enormous changes in the economy.
If taxpayers go deep into debt, it can more than compensate for bad state policy. For instance, Jeb Bush presided over a surging Florida economy mainly because his term corresponded to a catastrophic spike in household debt fueled by a gargantuan housing bubble.** But when the music stopped, Floridians were mired in debt, and the state economy cratered.
That’s why it’s
important to watch household debt levels closely. If ordinary consumers are
going into debt, it can mask the effect of bad public policy.
In 2015, Rhode
Island’s economic performance was fairly mediocre. Per capita income rose by
3.6 percent, compared to a nationwide average of 3.5 percent. But if you
take the debt numbers into consideration, you’d normally expect very strong
growth. Basically, it looks an awful lot like Rhode Islanders dipped into our
personal finances to bail out bad policy.
*The New York Fed only
surveys people with a credit report and a social security card. We don’t
really know what’s going on in the rest of the population.
**In Rhode Island, the
debt surge can’t be explained by a sudden housing bubble. In fact, Rhode
Island house prices fell a tiny bit relative to the US average.
Samuel Bell is the Rhode Island State Coordinator for the Progressive
Democrats of America. My primary interest is Rhode Island's economy and what we
can do to fix it.