DEM warns
the public to stay away from baby deer
Unless a dead doe is found
nearby, fawns are not considered abandoned.
During the first week following birth, fawns are incapable of following their mother and will often lie in a curled position on the ground hidden in grass or sparse brush.
During the first week following birth, fawns are incapable of following their mother and will often lie in a curled position on the ground hidden in grass or sparse brush.
Typically the mothers are
nearby and will come to the fawn a few times during the day or after dark for
Anyone who observes a fawn in
this condition should leave it alone, as the doe will return.
People are encouraged to heed the following should they encounter a fawn:
People are encouraged to heed the following should they encounter a fawn:
- Leave the area immediately and
avoid creating a disturbance near the animal.
- Do not feed or handle the fawn.
At this young age, fawns can be approached and handled with little
resistance; however, handling or removing them from the wild is illegal
and detrimental to their survival.
- If the fawn is alone, do not
wait to see if the doe returns. She will avoid the area until people and
pets are gone.
- Report any sightings of an
injured fawn to the DEM Division of Fish and Wildlife at 401-789-7481.
deer often do poorly in captivity, suffering malnutrition and behavioral
changes as they become accustomed to humans.
deer can pose health risks and become dangerous to people or domestic animals
as they mature.
also have difficulty returning to the wild as a free-roaming animal. For more deer facts, visit
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Follow DEM on Twitter (@RhodeIslandDEM) or Facebook at for more information on wildlife in Rhode Island as well as other timely updates.