By Ryan Denson
Last Friday, Kristol tweeted that he had indeed found his candidate, and that he was the true principled conservative who would offer voters something real and unique.
it’s been announced who
this Republican savior is and it’s National
Review writer
and constitutional lawyer David French.
man with absolutely no name recognition is the alternative to Trump – a guy who
literally has his name plastered on skyscrapers.
Republicans, you’ve managed to make yourselves look more stupid than you
already have.
a moment of irony, just a week ago, French was calling on Romney to run
third party, saying he was the “only hope” for the GOP’s survival.
about that, not even the current third party candidate thinks he’s good enough.
French doesn’t even fit the description of what Kristol and his allies were
searching for. According to Bloomberg
According to one person deeply involved in the efforts to recruit an independent challenger, the search has focused on individuals who have one or more of the following three traits seen as vital for credibly launching such a bid: fame, vast wealth, and elective experience.
and there’s one more harbinger: French hasn’t actually officially announced his candidacy. So Kristol’s only pick
might no actually file to run in the first place.
French may be conservative, he is more principled than Trump: while the GOP
blowhard has multiple draft deferments and rips off veteran’s organizations,
French is an Iraq War veteran and a recipient of the Bronze Star.
French, like Kristol, has had a few words to say about Donald Trump.
March, French wrote a blistering critique of the real estate mogul titled “What
Now, Conservatives?” likening him to segregationist George Wallace:
The party of Lincoln is in ruins. A minority of its primary voters have torched its founders’ legacy by voting for a man who combines old-school Democratic ideology, a bizarre form of hyper-violent isolationism, fringe conspiracy theories and serial lies with an enthusiastic flock of online racists to create perhaps the most toxic electoral coalition since George Wallace.
do you know French is a true Republican?
thinks Trump ruined the GOP when it clearly was George W. Bush.
and he once referred to Planned Parenthood as
“disgusting,” so that gives you an insight as to how he feels about women’s
reproductive health.
maybe French isn’t all that better than Donald Trump.
just aren’t ready for an orange man with a bad comb-over and tiny hands to ruin
their party.