Scheme that "preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to
separate them from their money."

Donald Trump's shifty business practices were laid bare
on Tuesday after U.S. district court judge Gonzalo Curiel unsealed more than 400 pages of Trump University "playbooks" (pdf) as well as testimony from former employees as part of a class-action lawsuit
accusing the company of fraud.
Trump University billed itself as an educational program
dedicated to helping students "achieve financial independence"
through real estate investment, holding multi-day retreats that cost as much as
$35,000 to attend.
"I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent
scheme," said Ronald
Schnackenberg, who worked as a sales manager from October 2006 to May 2007, "and
that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their
In his testimony, Schnackenberg recounts being
"reprimanded" after he refused to push the $35,000 Elite seminar
package on a financially struggling couple who "would have had to pay for
the program using his disability income and taking out a loan based upon equity
in his apartment."
In the Sales Playbook, employees are instructed to prey
upon individuals' needs and concerns.
For instance, one page instructs recruiters to "Collect personalized information that you can utilize during closing time. (For example: Are they a single parent of a three children that may need money for food? Or are they a middle-aged commuter that is tired of traveling for 2 hours to work each day?)"
For instance, one page instructs recruiters to "Collect personalized information that you can utilize during closing time. (For example: Are they a single parent of a three children that may need money for food? Or are they a middle-aged commuter that is tired of traveling for 2 hours to work each day?)"
Another section offers rebuttals for common objections.
If someone says, "I don't like using my credit cards
and going into debt," the playbook instructs the salesperson to say,
"[D]o you like living paycheck to paycheck? ... Do you enjoy seeing
everyone else but yourself in their dream houses and driving their dreams cars
with huge checking accounts? Those people saw an opportunity, and didn't make
excuses, like what you're doing now."
The release of the documents made serious waves as it
came less than one week after Trump won enough delegates to secure his position as GOP nominee.
That milestone motivated the unsealing as Curiel
determined that the contents were in the public interest.
He said that Trump, as "the front-runner in the Republican
nomination in the 2016 presidential race...has placed the integrity of these
court proceedings at issue."
Citing a previous case, the judge said he must weigh "whether
a party benefiting from the order of confidentiality is a public entity or official;
and...whether the case involves issues important to the public."
Indeed, many have seized on the revelations as further
evidence that the New York billionaire is unfit to lead the country and,
alternately, should be jailed for fraud.
"If you look at the facts of this case, this shows
someone who was absolutely shameless in his willingness to lie to people, to
say whatever it took to induce them into his phony seminars," said New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, whose office is embroiled in another suit against Trump University.
As New
York Magazine's Eric Levitz pointed out, "Trump University isn't the only example of the
Donald attempting to profit from Americans' economic anxiety: In 2009, the GOP
nominee advertised a multi-level marketing scheme called the Trump Network as a
'recession-proof' way for struggling investors to get back into the
He cites Trump, who last week told voters in North
Dakota, "Politicians have used you and stolen your votes. They have given
you nothing, I will give you everything. I will give you what you’ve been
looking for for 50 years. I'm the only one."
Levitz concludes, "The Republican nominee is
literally, objectively,
a con man."