Saturday, August 27, 2016

Petition to save Social Security

Tell Congress: Don't dismantle Social Security!
Join the thousands of people who have already committed to protecting Social Security, for our seniors today and for generations to come. Sign the petition today!

Eighty-one years ago this month, the Social Security Act was signed into law. Since then, generations of Americans have relied on this critical program, and today Social Security continues to keep millions of Americans out of poverty.

But despite Social Security’s resounding success, Republicans under Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are pushing extreme budgets that would slash essential funding by privatizing or even dismantling the program. These right-wing proposals run against the basic promise of Social Security: that after a lifetime of hard work, Americans will have access to the benefits they’ve earned.

It’s no wonder so many in the workforce are worried about what would happen if we ended this cornerstone of economic security for our seniors.

I’m committed to protecting Social Security, for our seniors today and for generations to come. Will you sign the petition to stand with us and tell Congress to protect Social Security?