CCA claims, wind power is essentially banned.
Will Collette
While just about everybody in town agreed that the Whalerock project was a bad idea, that doesn't mean that wind energy is evil |
Charlestown Town Council member George Tremblay, a Charlestown Citizens
Alliance stalwart, wrote a letter to the editor which ran in the Westerly
Sun defending the CCA’s record on wind power, claiming that Charlestown has
a “user-friendly” ordinance governing wind energy.
residents remember the horrible and divisive fight over the proposed commercial
wind project known as Whalerock. Like many residents, I
was happy to see the town take the most effective and fair route to ending this
controversy by buying the land where the giant turbines were to be placed.
along the way to that logical conclusion, many Charlestown residents dove deep
into pseudo-science and NIMBYism to come to the conclusion that all wind power
is bad. The result was Ordinance #344 which became
part of Charlestown’s legal code.
to George Tremblay’s claims, Ordinance 344 changed Charlestown’s Land Use Regulations to
make it impossible for anyone to construct or operate a wind-to-energy device
of any size or type by creating conditions that are virtually impossible to
![]() |
An alternative: Squirrel power |
means none of the popular “do-it-yourself”
kits (even available on Amazon) for home energy generation would be legal
without going through Charlestown’s Gordian Knot of red tape.
No also to vertical
axis turbines – purposely designed to be close to soundless as well as
section addressing “Residential
Wind Energy Facilities” automatically bans any wind device taller than 125
feet or that produces more than 20 kilowatts.
It sets NO MINIMUM size or
output. Indeed, the regulations say they cover “any proposed wind energy
facility” and any device “regardless of height or rated capacity.”
MUST acquire a building permit. Any device that goes more than 10 feet above
the roofline must also get a Special Use Permit. The actual requirements for
what a homeowner or farmer must do to apply for a building permit are truly
amazing and should be read to be believed.
practical effect of CCA-driven town regulations on wind energy is to ban the
production of wind power in Charlestown by creating conditions that are
impossible to meet.
you don’t believe me, read the regulations (in their entirety, below).
you don’t believe me, contact town building official Joe Warner and ask him
what you would need to do to install a wind energy device to help power your
home or business.
you still don’t believe me, ask Joe how many permits he has issued for wind
energy devices in Charlestown since Ordinance 344 was passed in November 2011.
Tremblay describes that ordinance and the subsequent town regulations as
anyone who actually reads the ordinance or simply asks Joe Warner how to get a
wind energy device for their own home will discover that the Charlestown
Citizens Alliance once again uses doublespeak to cover up what it a green energy ban.
last thing about the merits of wind energy – the most
prominent opponent to all wind power is none other than Donald Trump.
your convenience, I have copied and pasted in Charlestown’s entire “Residential
Wind Energy Facilities” law below.
I highlighted
in yellow conditions set on any and all wind devices and blue for additional
conditions required if the wind device is more than 10 feet higher than the
roofline or produces more than 20 kW of energy. I also added an editorial note (bold red) on the Zoning Board of Review which plays a key roll in this.
(4) Residential Wind
Energy Facilities.
[Amended 3-14-2011 by Ord. No.
338; 9-12-2011 by Ord. No.
341; 11-14-2011 by Ord. No. 344]
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to
provide for the construction and operation of wind energy facilities as
accessory uses and structures for residential and agricultural uses, and to
provide standards that address public health, safety and welfare in the
placement, design, construction, monitoring, modification and removal of wind
energy facilities and minimize negative impacts on scenic, natural and historic
resources of the town.
(b) Definitions. The following terms used in
§ 218-37D(4) are defined for use in applying the
provisions of this § 218-37D(4) and shall supplement and be in addition
to those terms defined in § 218-5B:
The height of a wind energy facility is measured from
pre-development grade to the tip of the rotor blade at its highest point.
The electric power production of the turbine, as specified by
the manufacturer.
(c) Applicability. Only wind energy facilities
designed to provide primary and/or accessory electricity for residential or
agricultural uses are permitted under the provisions of this section. Maximum output permitted is 20
kW, as rated by the manufacturer, and maximum height allowed is 125 ft.
(d) Application Procedures for Residential Wind
Energy Facilities.
[1] General Compliance.
The construction and operation of
any proposed wind energy facility shall be consistent with all applicable
local, state and federal requirements, including but not limited to all
applicable safety, construction, environmental, electrical, communications and
aviation (i.e. FAA) requirements.
A wind energy facility shall be
considered an accessory use and structure, and any wind energy facility, regardless of height or rated
capacity shall require the issuance of a building permit by the
Building Official. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the
applicant/owner of the wind facility shall receive all other permits and
approvals, as relevant.
A met tower is permitted by right
in all zoning districts where structures of any sort are allowed and shall
require the issuance of a building permit by the Building Official. A met
tower is allowed up to 125 feet in height on a temporary basis not to exceed
one-year from the date the building permit is issued. The Building Official
may grant a single one-year extension, if justified upon a written request by
the applicant. A met tower must comply with § 218-37D(4)(g), Siting Standards.
[2] A wind energy facility with a total height
that is equal to or less than the maximum height allowed for the principal use
for the lot as specified in § 218-42B (Building Height) is allowed by Building
Permit in all residential zoning districts or on lots used exclusively for
residences and/or agriculture, provided that, the standards contained herein
are met.
[3] A wind energy facility supported solely by
attachment to a principal residence is permitted to rise ten (10) feet higher than the
roof line of that same residence, irrespective of the height restriction
specified in § 218-42B, provided that all other standards contained
herein are met.
[4] A wind
energy facility with a total height that is greater than what is allowed in
Subsection D(4)(d)[2] and [3] herein but that is
not greater than 125 feet requires a Special Use Permit prior to the issuance
of a Building Permit and is allowed in all
residential zoning districts or on lots used exclusively for residences and/or
agriculture, provided that, in addition to the standards required for a special
use permit (as contained in § 218-23A), all other standards contained herein are
[5] A wind energy facility that has a rated output
of greater than 20 kW, a total height greater than 125 feet or that is on a
parcel that ordinarily requires Development Plan Review or Planner Review is
not permitted under this section.
(e) Application
requirements shall include the following materials:
[d] Setback distances between
the wind energy facility and property lines, with evidence of compliance with
the setback requirements of Subsection D(4)(g); and
[2] Engineering Details and Specifications. The applicant shall
submit the following details for the proposed wind energy facility:
[a] Blueprints/drawings of
the proposed structures including details for the foundation and electrical
components, stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Rhode
Island, certifying compliance with the Rhode Island State Building Code and the
National Electric Code;
[b] Wind energy facility
specifications, including manufacturer and model, turbine rated output in kW,
rotor diameter, tower height, tower type (freestanding or guyed), and overall
height; and
[c] A copy of the application
for interconnection with their electrical utility provider, if the wind energy
facility is to be connected to the power grid.
[3] Neighborhood Sound Impact
Analysis. The applicant shall submit manufacturer's documentation of the sound
levels generated by the turbine under various wind conditions and at serial
distances from the turbine to allow estimation of sound level at the property
(f) Additional Standards for
Residential Wind Energy Facilities that require a special-use permit.
[1] Prior to an issuance of a special use permit for any wind energy
facility, the Zoning Board of
Review must determine that it meets the standards contained in § 218-23. In addition, the Zoning Board may impose reasonable conditions,
safeguards and limitations on time and use, and may require the applicant to
implement all reasonable measures to mitigate unforeseen adverse impact of the
wind energy facility should they occur.
[2] Residential wind energy
facilities shall be sited in a manner that minimizes shadowing or flicker
impacts on abutters. For facilities more
than 60 feet above grade, the applicant must provide evidence that potential
shadow flicker impacts will be addressed either through siting or mitigation
measures. The applicant shall
submit manufacturer's estimation of shadow flicker effects of the
turbine at the proposed height, including the expected seasonal times and
[3] To protect the general character of the surrounding area the Zoning Board of Review may impose a lower height limit, increased setback requirements or any other mitigation measures.
[4] Applicants shall propose
monopole towers. Lattice towers may
be permitted by the Zoning Board only if they are able to make the following
findings: That due to existing site features such as topography, dense year
round tree cover, the existence of other structures or other unique conditions,
the lattice tower will not result in an increased visual impact over that of a
monopole tower at the same site.

Anyone who thinks they can meet the standards in this ordinance and get a special use permit from the ZBR will have to reckon with opposition from Chambers, Quadrato and Vanover. So, yeah, Charlestown HAS in fact banned wind energy.
(g) Siting Standards for all Residential Wind Energy Facilities.
[1] Minimum Setbacks. Except where a wind energy facility is
supported solely by attachment to a principal residence and is no higher than
10 feet above the roof level of the principal residence, there shall be a setback between
each property line or public road and the center line of the foundation of the
wind energy facility equal to the sum of the required district setback for
accessory structures for that property line plus the height of the wind energy
facility. This requirement may be waived if the applicant can secure an
easement over the abutting property that otherwise meets this minimum required
setback, provided the property subject to the easement is not divided by a
public road within a distance less than the minimum required setback.
[2] Sound Setbacks. If necessary, minimum setback must be extended such that the sound
pressure level generated by a wind energy facility meets the requirements of
§ 218-37(D)(4)(i)[3] (Safety and Environmental Standards for all
Residential Wind Energy Facilities — Sound). Where a wind energy facility is
attached to a principal residence, it must be of a design that can meet the
sound setback.
[1] Color and Finish. All components of a wind energy facility
higher than 35 feet above grade shall be painted a neutral, non-reflective
exterior color, unless mitigation measures as directed by the town warrant
[2] Lighting. Wind turbines shall not be lighted. Lighting
of other parts of the wind energy facility, such as appurtenant structures,
shall be limited to that required for safety, security and operational
purposes, and shall be limited by timers, and shielded from abutting
[3] Signage. A wind energy facility shall not display any
permanent or temporary signs, writing, symbols, logos or any graphic
representation except for signs necessary to identify the owner, provide a
24-hour emergency contact phone number, and warn of any danger; and must comply
with Article XI of this ordinance.
[4] Utility Connections. Utility connections from the wind facility
shall be installed underground. Electrical transformers for utility
interconnections may be above ground if required by the utility provider.
[5] Support Towers. Monopole towers are required for wind energy
facilities taller than 35 feet above grade.
(i) Safety and Environmental
Standards for all Residential Wind Energy Facilities.
[1] Braking System. Wind turbines shall have an automatic
braking, governing or feathering system to prevent uncontrolled rotation,
over-speeding and excessive pressure on the tower structure, rotor blades and
other turbine components, or as a means to implement mitigation for noise in
excess of that permitted, shadow flicker, or natural resource protection.
[2] Physical Safety. All Residential Wind Energy Facilities shall
allow ten (10) feet of clearance between moving parts and the ground, or
otherwise shield people from moving parts and electrical components.
[3] Sound. The
sound pressure level generated by a wind energy facility shall not exceed 35
dB(A) from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., or 45 dB(A) from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at
the property lines. If the ambient sound pressure level exceeds these
limits, based on a site-specific sound study, the standard shall be ambient
dB(A) plus 3 dB(A). In the event of complaint about noise, the applicant has
the burden of proving that the sound generated by the wind energy facility meets
the requirements of this ordinance.
[4] Wildlife. The potential adverse impacts to wildlife
should be minimized through appropriate siting. For example, discourage flight
paths into turbines by not placing turbines in close proximity to structures
meant to attract birds such as bird feeders, birdbaths, or birdhouses. Turbine
placement should avoid barns or other structures known to contain bat roosts.
[1] Wind Energy Facility
Conditions. The owner of any
wind energy facility shall maintain the wind facility in good condition.
Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, structural repairs and
integrity of security measures.
[2] Modifications. Any
modification that increases the height, sound or rated output of the
Residential Wind Energy Facility shall first require the owner to return to the
appropriate authority for additional approval.
[3] Operation. If
electronic interference results from the operation of the wind energy facility,
or if sound, shadow flicker, or other adverse impacts exceed the allowable
limits of this section or other applicable regulations, or a limit placed as a
condition of the special use permit, the Building Official shall notify the
owner in writing of the violation. If the violation is not remedied within
thirty days, the facility shall remain inactive until the violation is
[4] Enforcement and Penalties. The Building Official shall be responsible
for the enforcement of the provisions of this section. Failure of the owner of
any wind energy facility to comply with operational standards, or mitigation
measures shall be considered a violation of the zoning ordinance, subject to
the provisions of § 218-9.