By TIM FAULKNER\ecoRI News staff
Save The Bay says the proposal to raise
341 homes between Westerly and Narragansett (including Charlestown) to guard against the impacts of
climate change is inadequate and flawed.
One of the main concerns
is the Army Corps’ use of outdated data to estimate sea-level rise.
The Army
Corps projects that coastal water will climb 4.4 inches within 50 years because
of climate change.
Data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) projects sea-level rise of 2 feet within the next 32 years and up to 7
feet by 2100. EDITOR'S NOTE: NOAA's projection of sea level rise is 8.5 times higher than that of the Army Corps of Engineers.
Coastal Resources
Management Council (CRMC) executive director Grover Fugate also has questioned
the sea-level rise data. During an October CRMC meeting, Fugate said a greater
number of the 4,000 coastal buildings between Westerly and Narragansett could
be at risk from the impacts of climate change.
“We believe there should
be more (homes) eligible for that project,” Fugate said.
If the project is
approved, it would cost $58 million to elevate structures 12 to 18 feet. The
Army Corps is offering to subsidize 65 percent of the cost with federal funds
set aside for adaptation work after Hurricane Sandy. Property owners would
pay the rest. The state is considering plans to offer low-interest loans to
help coastal property owners finance the projects, according to CRMC.
“This project would
represent a significant investment of public funds, and it is irresponsible not
to utilize the most current data available,” Stone wrote.
Save The Bay also is
criticizing the Army Corps for not taking a harder look at relocating
waterfront buildings — a practice known as retreat — that are in danger of harm
from storm surges and an eroding shoreline.
Save The Bay’s letter
noted that the Army Corps set a precedent for retreat in the 1980s, when it
acquired 61 homes along flood-prone portions of the Pawtuxet River in Warwick.
“Save The Bay submits
that the alternative of retreat must be fully developed and considered,” Stone
Save The Bay also wants
more solutions for protecting the hotels, restaurants and small businesses
along the 28 miles of shoreline the report examined.
“Any flood mitigation
plan for the study area is not complete without addressing both residential and
commercial properties and infrastructure needed to serve them,” according to
the letter.
Save The Bay filed its
letter just before the public comment period ended Nov. 21. The Army Corps said
it will hold public hearings if there is demand for them.
A request for comment
from the Army Corps wasn't returned.