American Public Health Association (APHA)
Researchers from Everytown for Gun Safety examined 1,609 case
files of protective orders filed in Rhode Island Family and District courts
from 2012-2014.
- Whether there were indications that a gun was present;
- Whether there were aspects of the abuse, such as a history of strangulation, that are linked to a higher risk of homicide;
- Whether the order prohibited the abuser from buying or possessing firearms under federal law; and
- Whether the court ordered the abuser to turn in their firearms.
Results showed that 23 percent of cases where protective orders
were filed indicated a risk of firearm use, and in 39 percent of cases, victims
reported at least one factor linked to a higher risk of homicide.
In 72 percent of cases, the abuser was prohibited from
possessing a firearm by federal law.
However, Rhode Island courts only required abusers to turn in
their guns in 5 percent of
"In Rhode Island, domestic abusers are rarely required to
turn in their firearms -- even when they are federally prohibited from
possessing them," said researcher Sarah Tofte.
"Addressing this gap
in the state's law could help prevent risk of gun violence to potential abuse
This research was presented at the American Public Health Association's 2016 Annual Meeting and Expo in Denver.