Trumped by Putin
Bill Moyers
and Michael Winship
for Common Dreams

As we all know, The
Washington Post and The
New York Times recently reported
just how deeply Russian hackers invaded the computers of the Democratic Party,
a move intended to confuse voters with leaked excerpts of emails and other
documents and thus throw a monkey wrench into the election.
Why did he do
this? For one thing, according to Michael McFaul, the former American
ambassador to Russia, Putin has a thing about Hillary Clinton.
But more important, McFaul continued, “He wants to discredit American democracy and make us weaker in terms of leading the liberal democratic order. And most certainly he likes President-elect Trump's views on Russia.”
All of which,
apparently, now has helped land us in the worst political fix since the Civil
War, an electronic invasion that former Bush
speechwriter Michael Gerson says
he believes could be “the largest intelligence coup since the cracking of the
Enigma code during World War II.”
Yes, we know some
of this remains speculation. Yes, we know Democrats would like to point
attention away from some bad, self-inflicted mistakes the Clinton campaign
made, mistakes that hurt it on Election Day. That they failed to realize the
depth of the anger in the American heartland didn’t help. And neither did the
FBI/James Comey intrusion.
Yes, we know the
documents handed to WikiLeaks from the Clinton campaign and the DNC were real
(although it’s worth noting that as The Times reports,
some documents leaked from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation “turned out to
have been altered [apparently by the hackers] to make it appear as if the
foundation was financing Russian opposition members.”)
Yes, we know that
despite all the Russia news, Republican efforts to suppress the vote are
ongoing and a huge concern from which we cannot be distracted — and which must
be addressed as well.
And yes, we know the United States has consistently intervened in and sabotaged elections in other countries, actively working to install leaders who would kowtow to the interests of our government and American corporate interests.
But none of this
negates the greatest implication of Putin’s ability to influence the election
of a fellow authoritarian and would-be strongman to the presidency of the
United States.

Nancy LeTourneau
notes at Washington
Monthly’s Political Animal blog, “To understand what is happening here, it
is important to reject the old Cold War frame about a contest between
capitalism and communism. Russia has long since ceased to be a country built on
the teachings of Karl Marx and has evolved into a right-wing ethno-nationalist
As circumstantial
as some of the evidence may seem, we must not forget that these anti-democratic
tactics are something that Vladimir Putin has attempted not only in the United
States but also in a lot of other places.
Did Trump or
members of his staff know what was going on?
Remember that
Trump’s first campaign manager Paul Manafort — the “King of K Street” lobbyists
— had pro-Russian factions as clients; his name with multimillion amounts
beside it was found in a log of
financial transactions after
he had helped Putin’s friends in the Ukraine.
It could be most revealing to hear what Manafort would say, under oath, about his intercession between Trump and Putin.
And just how
extensive are our president-elect’s ties to Russian oligarchs? How much does he
owe Russian banks?
We’d learn more if he’d divest his business interests, too, but he won’t.
We do know that Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008: “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets... We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” And there’s more to come as Putin and Trump mix and mingle Russian oligarchs with American plutocrats.
What happens now?
How do we confront this crisis of a president-elect who may owe his victory
partly to the stealth of his Russian doppelganger?
Who from within will challenge him then?
President Obama
has ordered a full report from the intelligence community before he leaves
A bipartisan commission like the 9/11
investigation could become the public watchdog, certainly more so than proposed
House and Senate committee investigations which Trump loyalists in the GOP
might publicly support but certainly attempt to stymie.
Not only does
this increasingly seem like yet another step in Putin’s worldwide subversion of
liberal democratic beliefs and Trump’s desire to enrich his family and cronies
by surrounding himself with multimillionaires and billionaires known for their
predatory appetites; it is one more step to a planet dominated by international
oligarchs and kleptocrats, part and parcel of a “huge con job,” as Nancy
LeTourneau writes.
Just look at the
appointment of ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, a man who’s
been a happy business partner of Putin’s Russia — and other totalitarian
regimes — for years.
He has shaken the bloody hand of just about
every despot whose power rests on the black gold beneath their subjects’ feet,
and it doesn’t seem to keep him awake at night. He’s made it clear: His only interest is making money.
So don’t be surprised if one day soon you hear talk from the White House of something very like that golden oldie of World War II, a non-aggression pact — this one to divide up the world’s natural resources.
Trump had nothing
to say about the judgment of the intelligence community that his pal Putin
directed the sabotage of his opponent’s campaign, except, “I think it’s
ridiculous. I think it’s just another excuse. I don’t believe it.”
Bill Moyers is the managing editor of Moyers &
Company and His previous shows on
PBS included NOW with Bill Moyers and Bill Moyers Journal. Over the past
three decades he has become an icon of American journalism and is the author of
many books, including Bill Moyers Journal: The Conversation Continues, Moyers on
Democracy, and Bill Moyers: On
Faith & Reason. He was one of the organizers of the Peace
Corps, a special assistant for Lyndon B. Johnson, a publisher of Newsday,
senior correspondent for CBS News and a producer of many groundbreaking series
on public television. He is the winner of more than 30 Emmys, nine Peabodys,
three George Polk awards.
Michael Winship, senior writing fellow
at Demos and president of the Writers Guild of America-East, was senior writer
for Moyers & Company and Bill Moyers’ Journal and is senior
writer of