Empty Folders and a "Meaningless"
Plan were props at Trump's “news conference”
What, if anything, was actually in all those folders? |
After the press conference—wherein the piles of paper displayed
as "evidence" of Trump's business handover to his
sons were also apparently completely blank—the
director of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) made an unusual public
speech at the
Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., condemning the president-elect for
his ethics failures.
"I wish circumstances were different and I didn't feel the
need to make public remarks today," said Walter M. Schaub Jr. "You
don't hear about ethics when things are going well."
Schaub went on to delve into exactly why Trump's business plan
is wholly "meaningless":
Stepping back from running his business is meaningless from a conflict of interest perspective. The presidency is a full-time job and he would've had to step back anyway. The idea of setting up a trust to hold his operating businesses adds nothing to the equation. This is not a blind trust—it's not even close.
[I]t's not even halfway
blind. The only thing this has in common with a blind trust is the label,
His sons are still running the businesses, and, of course, he knows
what he owns.
His own attorney said today that he can't 'un-know' that he owns
Trump tower.
The same is true of his other holdings. The idea of limiting
direct communication about the business is wholly inadequate. That's not how a
blind trust works. There's not supposed to be any information at all.
Trump's transition team has also apparently not been in touch
with the OGE at all about Trump's holdings and business plans.
"I was especially troubled by the statement that the
incoming administration is going to demand that OGE approve a diversified
portfolio of assets," Schaub noted.
"[E]very president in modern times has taken the strong
medicine of divestiture," Schaub noted, adding that Trump's appointees are
required by law to divest their holdings before serving in his cabinet.
"Should a president hold himself to a lower standard than his own
Moreover, the president-elect's lawyers also stated Wednesday that Trump will go back on
his "no new
deals" pledge—in
which he swore that his corporate empire wouldn't involve itself in any new
business contracts—and will instead refrain only from foreign deals.
"In closing," Schaub concluded, "I would just
like to add that I'm happy to offer my assistance and the assistance of my
And Schaub wasn't the only one blasting Trump's so-called
business plans. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D.-Mass.) took to Twitter on Wednesday
night to call them "a joke.
Trump's refusal to divest "puts us all at risk,"
Warren added.
Meanwhile, the Independent delved into the many oddities of the massive
piles of papers and folders at Trump's press conference, which were presented
as evidence of his ethical behavior—and explained that they were all apparently
[R]eporters were not allowed to look at any of the documents, which all were held in folders meaning that the actual paper was hidden.
The paper itself also
appeared to be the wrong size, printed on A4 rather than legal size sheets, and
appears to have fallen like fresh sheets of paper. And the folders themselves
were also entirely blank, despite Mr. Trump suggesting that each of them
related to a different business that Mr. Trump was moving himself away from.
"It is possible that the documents had been printed
precisely for the press conference, but the fact that reporters weren't allowed
to check the details of the documents led to concern that they didn't include
any information at all," the British outlet noted.