Monday, January 30, 2017

Wednesday rally: Reproduction Freedom Day

Please RSVP HERE and let us know you will join us Wednesday, Feb. 1, 3 pm at the RI State House for our Reproductive Freedom Advocacy Day. 
State Senator Gayle Goldin and State Representative Edith Ajello will announce the introduction of legislation to put Roe vs Wade into law.  

Join us Wednesday to ask our elected officials, including Governor Gina Raimondo, Senate President M. Teresa Paiva-Weed, and House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello, to stand up for reproductive rights and to the attacks on our freedom coming from President Trump and his allies.

Rhode Islanders overwhelmingly support keeping abortion legal. The Pew Research Center has found that 63% of Rhode Island residents support keeping abortion legal in all or most cases, while only 31% feel the opposite way.

However, despite this support, there is no state law that protects the right to abortion. In fact, Rhode Island was given an F by NARAL for our reproductive rights laws. The Guttmacher Institute calls us the only state hostile to abortion rights in New England. And far too many of our elected oficials are anti-choice.

It is time to fight for change. 

Forwarded message:

On Saturday, 7,000 Rhode Islanders came together at the State House to celebrate our power and demand our elected leaders take action to protect our rights.

Over 900 people signed up to be involved with Planned Parenthood and the movement for reproductive freedom!

You can see videos of our amazing speakers and photos from the event on our Facebook page.
Now, we must continue building our movement. Will you stand with us again on Feb 1 to demand our elected leaders, including the Governor and the Rhode Island General Assembly, take action to protect reproductive rights and access in RI?

Reproductive Freedom Advocacy Day
 Feb. 1, 2017
3 pm
Rhode Island State House
82 Smith St., Providence, RI

Also, join us for making signs and writing letters to elected officials the night before: Tuesday, Jan. 31, 6:30 pm, Wilson Hall, Room 102, Brown University.

Do you know where you RI State Senator and RI State Representative stand on reproductive rights?

Once you know, please send them a message asking them to support enacting a law in Rhode Island to protect safe, legal abortion.

In solidarity,

Act. No matter what.