Hurricane expert receives award

temperature of the ocean is the most important factor in forecasting hurricane
were largely unaware of this fact—until University of Rhode Island
oceanographer Isaac Ginis discovered the crucial role the ocean plays in the
path and power of hurricanes.
has received many honors for his decades of research, with the latest award
from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA.
a native of Russia, doesn’t sail or fly into hurricanes to study them. His
groundbreaking research has been accomplished sitting at a computer.
a bachelor’s degree in math and a doctorate in geophysics—both from Russian
institutions—Ginis creates mathematical computer models to track storms and
predict their strength.
expertise is sought out by public and state officials—including those in Rhode
Island—trying to discern when, and if, a hurricane will make landfall. Ginis’
insight is critical; his models give officials time to prepare for a storm and
save lives.
Department of Marketing and Communications talked to Ginis recently about his
research, and whether climate change will bring more storms to the Northeast.
did you get interested in studying hurricanes?
I became
interested in hurricanes when I took physics in high school and was lucky to
get the opportunity to study them as part of my doctorate thesis research. I
wanted to better understand the physical processes that control a hurricane’s
behavior so we can better predict what the storm is going to do tomorrow or in
the next few days.
are the first scientist to show the ocean’s role in hurricane intensity. Can
you explain your discovery?
a physics standpoint, a hurricane is a heat engine. It’s a massive natural
machine for converting heat energy into mechanical energy—in this case wind.
That heat energy is derived from the ocean.
Recognizing this relationship
between the ocean and the atmosphere allowed us to build computer models that
can more accurately predict the strength of hurricanes. But hurricanes are
complex, and there are many ingredients in the recipe for any given storm.
you don’t fly into a hurricane, how do you get your data?
We have many observational
platforms these days to gather data in the atmosphere and ocean that help
predict hurricanes. Most important, of course, are the measurements made by
reconnaissance aircraft.
In their absence, satellites are the primary platform
for hurricane observations, but critical measurements are also taken at sea by
ships and buoys and on land by radars and other coastal monitoring systems.
temperatures increase due to climate change, do you expect more frequent and
intense hurricanes in the Northeast?
scientific evidence and modeling studies suggest that hurricane intensity may
be increasing and will continue to increase due to warmer sea-surface
temperature, but the connection to Atlantic hurricane frequency is less
conclusive. In addition to intensity, models project significant increase in
rainfall that will lead to inland flooding during hurricanes.
about other regions of the world? How do you help predict hurricanes elsewhere?
The computer
models our URI hurricane research group helps to develop and improve are used
by NOAA’s National Hurricane Center and the Navy’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center
example, our models were involved in forecasting Typhoon Haiyan in the
Northwest Pacific, the strongest tropical cyclone recorded at landfall, which
devastated the Philippines in 2013.
you ever been in a hurricane?
I never experienced a hurricane personally, I was involved in surveying the
damage after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The devastation inflicted by that storm
on the Gulf Coast is still vivid in my memory.
Biloxi, Miss., I saw houses destroyed by the storm surge with only a few items
left on the ground and large casino barges severely damaged and pushed on
shore. Those images made me appreciate even more the enormous destructive power
of a hurricane.
advice do you have for students who want to study hurricanes? Is it more
important to study math or physical oceanography—or both?
Weather and
hurricane forecasting is a combination of physics, mathematics and computer
science. I suggest studying all of these subjects in college.