Yogurt consumption in older Irish adults
linked with better bone health
Trinity College Dublin

study led by Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, in collaboration with St James's
Hospital Dublin and co-investigators from Nutrition at Ulster University,
Coleraine investigated participants from the Trinity Ulster Department of
Agriculture (TUDA) ageing cohort study (>5000 people).
hip and femoral neck bone mineral density measures in females were 3.1-3.9%
higher among those with the highest yogurt intakes compared to the lowest and
improvements were observed in some of the physical function measures (6.7%
In men, the biomarker of bone breakdown was 9.5% lower in those with the highest yogurt intakes compared to the lowest. This is an indication of reduced bone turnover.
determine risk factors for being diagnosed as osteoporotic, the research team
analysed a wide range of factors such as BMI, kidney function, physical
activity, servings of milk or cheese, and calcium or vitamin D supplements as
well as traditional risk factors for bone health (e.g. smoking, inactivity,
alcohol etc.).
After adjusting for all these factors, each unit increase in
yogurt intake in women was associated with a 31% lower risk of osteopenia and a
39% lower risk of osteoporosis.
In men, a 52% lower risk of osteoporosis was found. Vitamin D supplements were also associated with significantly reduced risks both in men and women.
In men, a 52% lower risk of osteoporosis was found. Vitamin D supplements were also associated with significantly reduced risks both in men and women.
is a chronic condition associated with a reduction in bone strength and an
increased risk of bone fracture. The associated costs of osteoporotic fractures
are estimated to be over €650 million annually in Europe.
author of the study and research fellow at the Centre for Medical Gerontology,
Trinity, Dr Eamon Laird said: "Yogurt is a rich source of different bone
promoting nutrients and thus our findings in some ways are not surprising. The
data suggest that improving yogurt intakes could be a strategy for maintaining
bone health but it needs verification through future research as it is observational."
Miriam Casey, senior investigator of this study and Consultant Physician at St
James's Hospital Dublin said: "The results demonstrate a significant
association of bone health and frailty with a relatively simple and cheap food
product. What is now needed is verification of these observations from
randomized controlled trials as we still don't understand the exact mechanisms
which could be due to the benefits of micro-biota or the macro and micro
nutrient composition of the yogurt."
study included 1,057 women and 763 men who underwent a bone-mineral-density
(BMD) assessment and 2,624 women and 1,290 men who had their physical function
Yogurt consumption information was obtained from a questionnaire and categorized as never, 2-3 times per week and more than one serving per day.
Other factors examined included daily intakes of other dairy products, meat, fish, smoking and alcohol and other traditional risk factors that affect bone health.
Yogurt consumption information was obtained from a questionnaire and categorized as never, 2-3 times per week and more than one serving per day.
Other factors examined included daily intakes of other dairy products, meat, fish, smoking and alcohol and other traditional risk factors that affect bone health.