Sunday, May 7, 2017

The definition of spite

Image result for Jimmy Carter & Donald TrumpThe Trump administration explicitly requested that Argentine President Mauricio Macri delay honoring former Democratic President Jimmy Carter with an award.

Marci planned to award Carter the Order of the Liberator General San Martin, the highest distinction in that country to a foreign person, but pressure from the Trump administration caused the honor to be delayed.

Carter, who has been a critic of Trump’s administration, was set to be honored by Argentina with the award which is the equivalent to America’s Medal of Freedom.

The Buenos Aires Herald reports:
The Mauricio Macri administration reverted a decision to award former US president Jimmy Carter the Order of the Liberator General San Martín — the maximum distinction that the country can give to a foreign personality —, under the pressure from US President Donald Trump’s administration, CNN web site reported this week.
The official tribute, which had already been approved by the foreign ministry and was published in the Official Gazette, was cancelled after receiving a specific request by the US government, which would have suggested it would be better to delay it. Carter was to be given the award for his work in promoting human rights during Argentina’s last military dictatorship.
According to CNN, an Argentinean official spoke on condition of anonymity and said the decision not to carry out the official delivery to Jimmy Carter was “to avoid conflicts” and to talk about matters of mutual interest between the two countries.

CNN reports:
The council that studies who to grant the distinction in the Chancellery of Argentina had approved the distinction to the former president for his work for peace and for his contribution to human rights during the dictatorship of Jorge Rafael Videla when Carter was president of the United States.
Trump has never been kind to his critics.

Carter, on the other hand, is just a soul who, since leaving office, does charitable work for the needy.
Carter just has an unfavorable view of Donald Trump and that is apparently too much for the alleged president to handle.

Author Conover Kennard makes tea partiers cry as a hobby. She was Commander of Jade Helm15 during the failed takeover of the South. She's also one of the biggest arseholes on Twitter. At night, she can be found drinking Conservative tears while pulling off the wings of flies just because she can. She is the founder of a Marxist, Commie, Maoist, Socialist site and has contributed to several other sites, blah blah blah. She is an awful person but she doesn't like to brag about that.