no way to march with KKK members and Nazi flags in a non-hateful way.

White nationalists often use this messaging. They claim they
aren’t racists; they just want to celebrate white European culture and
What’s unreasonable about that, they say? Shouldn’t every group
of people be allowed to celebrate their own culture?
There are two problems here.
One is historical baggage. History doesn’t have many examples of
people innocently “celebrating white European culture,” but it does have an
awful lot of examples of ugly and sometimes violent racism perpetrated by white
people of European descent. Slavery. Jim Crow. Lynchings. Hitler.
That isn’t to say that Americans of European heritage don’t
have a culture to celebrate. Not at all.
They just generally celebrate it based on national traditions
and not in a generic, pan-white-people sort of way. You might celebrate Irish
culture on St. Patrick’s Day, for example. Or you could celebrate French
culture on Bastille Day with French wine and food.
In America, we celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks and
Thanksgiving with turkey. But these holidays are for all Americans, not just
the white ones.
America has never been a white country. It was once entirely
populated with Native Americans. Then the first Europeans arrived, and they
soon brought the first enslaved Africans.
All of those groups, as well as all of the people who followed later, contributed to making our country and our culture what it is today.
All of those groups, as well as all of the people who followed later, contributed to making our country and our culture what it is today.
Second, the goal of “celebrating white European culture” is a
thinly veiled lie.
It’s a lie because the marchers were carrying Nazi flags, flags
associated with the genocide of 6 million Jews and countless others the Nazis
wanted to remove from humanity’s gene pool.
It’s a lie because the marchers were carrying Confederate battle flags, the flag of a people willing to fight to the death for their right to enslave other human beings.
It’s a lie because the marchers were marching alongside KKK
members, whose organization have terrorized and murdered people in the name of
white supremacy for over a century.
And it’s a lie because the people who are supposedly simply
celebrating their own lily white skin and its culture frequently and routinely
make disgusting racist remarks about people of color.
And it doesn’t matter what the attendees or the organizers of
the event claim they’re doing if the reality is an ugly
outpouring of vile racism.
If your event looks like a Klan rally in which white pointy
hoods were replaced with tiki torches, it’s no innocent cultural celebration.
As a more general rule, if you have to work hard to tell others
you aren’t a racist — you’re probably a racist. And if you’re marching behind
the same flag as others who are spewing hate, your presence there is an
endorsement of their hate, even if you aren’t saying those things yourself.
Don’t believe the lies of white nationalists who say they simply
want to celebrate white culture.
There’s no way to march with KKK members and Nazi flags in a non-hateful way.
There’s no way to march with KKK members and Nazi flags in a non-hateful way.
OtherWords columnist Jill
Richardson is the author of Recipe for America: Why Our Food System Is
Broken and What We Can Do to Fix It. Distributed by