Raising the minimum wage
would reduce child neglect
Indiana University
Congress is considering increases to the federal minimum wage of
$7.25 per hour, and several state and city governments have enacted or are
considering minimum wages higher than the federal rate.
A $1 increase would result in 9,700 (9.6 percent) fewer reported
cases of child neglect annually as well as a likely decrease in cases of
physical abuse, said Lindsey Rose
Bullinger of IU's School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
"Money matters," Bullinger said. "When caregivers have more disposable income, they're better able to provide a child's basic needs such as clothing, food, medical care and a safe home. Policies that increase the income of the working poor can improve children's welfare, especially younger children, quite substantially."
Bullinger and co-researcher Kerri Raissian of the University of
Connecticut reached their conclusions by analyzing nine years of child
maltreatment reports from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System.
More than 30 states had minimum wages exceeding the federal requirement by an average of $1 during the study period, allowing the researchers to track changes in the number of reports to child protective service agencies with increases in the minimum wage.
More than 30 states had minimum wages exceeding the federal requirement by an average of $1 during the study period, allowing the researchers to track changes in the number of reports to child protective service agencies with increases in the minimum wage.
The substantial decrease in child neglect cases is concentrated
among toddlers and school-age children, but changes in the minimum wage had
little impact on reports of neglect of teenagers. The researchers found no
variation based on a child's race.
One measure before Congress would increase the wage from $7.25
to $10.10, and several cities are looking at wages as high as $15.
"We can't say for sure that there would be even fewer cases
of child maltreatment if hourly pay were that high, but our findings point in
that direction," Bullinger said.
Most research on the minimum wage has focused on its effects on
the economy and poverty. Too often, policymakers have overlooked the impact on
human health and well-being, Bullinger said. She directed a previous research
project that found that increases in the minimum wage resulted in a drop-off in
teen births.
Bullinger and Raissian's complete findings were published in the
article "Money matters: Does the minimum wage affect child maltreatment
rates?" in the journal Children and Youth Services Review.