TIM FAULKNER/ecoRI News staff

Safe furniture H5082: For years, the chemical
industry fought the removal of flame retardants and toxic chemicals from
furniture and children’s products such as clothing. But Rhode island will ban
the manufacturing and sale of mattresses, electronics and children’s products
that exceed the allowance of certain chemical compounds that contain bromide, which is linked to cancer and harmful
to fetal and child development. The law takes effect July 1, 2019. Watch video
testimony of the Senate hearing here.
Geoengineering H6011: Theories abound
about chemical engineering of the atmosphere and the cloudy spray from
aircraft, called chemtrails. The legislation makes Rhode Island one of the
first states to study the issue. A five-member committee will make
recommendations for licensing geoengineering technologies — real or not — such
as solar radiation management, ocean fertilization, and cloud cover protection
and cloud whitening. The House commission is tasked to report its findings by
April 2, 2018.
EDITOR'S NOTE: It boggles the mind that the General Assembly passed local wingnut Rep. Justin Price's bill to "study" one of the most insane far-right conspiracy theories.
The idea in a nutshell is that some sinister force is mixing chemicals into jet fuel so that their contrails disperse mind-altering substances on an unaware, innocent public.
These chemicals make them do crazy things, according to the wingnut theory, such as vote for Democrats.
The only evidence I see of mass lunacy is that Richmond and Hopkinton voters actually elected people like Justin Price, and I'm not sure chem-trails are to blame. But maybe that's something for this study commission to examine. - Will Collette.
EDITOR'S NOTE: It boggles the mind that the General Assembly passed local wingnut Rep. Justin Price's bill to "study" one of the most insane far-right conspiracy theories.
The idea in a nutshell is that some sinister force is mixing chemicals into jet fuel so that their contrails disperse mind-altering substances on an unaware, innocent public.
These chemicals make them do crazy things, according to the wingnut theory, such as vote for Democrats.
The only evidence I see of mass lunacy is that Richmond and Hopkinton voters actually elected people like Justin Price, and I'm not sure chem-trails are to blame. But maybe that's something for this study commission to examine. - Will Collette.
Wireless microwave networks H5224: Cable and cell phone companies aim to expand their service by installing networks of small wireless neighborhood antennas, known as 5G, to transmit data more quickly. These antennas are mounted on utility poles, buildings and street lights. The networks rely on microwave radiation to move data and that scares some advocacy groups that claim the radiation and the electromagnetic waves are harmful, particularly for people with preexisting conditions. The bill regulates and speeds up the approval process to install the 5G networks of transmitters but doesn't address health risks.
RIPTA S115: The Senate and
House approved $5 million to reinstate the discount bus-fare program for
low-income elderly and disabled riders. The funds were approved in the budget
and last for two years, but the Senate bill establishes a council charged with
making recommendations for a permanent funding plan. The council has until Nov.
1, 2018 to make its recommendations.
Pollution monitoring at T.F. Green S767: The Senate bill
extends and expands the pollution monitoring at T.F. Green Airport. The bill
also requires the Department of Health to release reports on data collected
from the monitoring.
Planning for climate change S1005 & H5042: The House and
Senate approved bills that require municipal planing board members to undergo
training every two years on the effects of sea-level rise and building in
Green Buildings Act S952: The House and
Senate passed an amendment to the Green Buildings Act that
adds public projects such as green infrastructure and built landscapes to the
list of pubic projects that must be built to LEED environmental standards.
Right to Farm H6172: There was concern
that the Senate would hold hearings for a bill that granted entertainment
activities such as weddings and concerts to farms and thereby limit local
oversight of these activities. Land conservation groups were also worried that
allowing these activities might make it difficult to garner community support
to protect farmland. The bill passed the House on June 27, but the Senate
didn't take up the bill last week.
PawSox: The General Assembly isn't expected to take up
addition bills until January, but may hold hearings in November on funding a
new stadium for the Pawtucket Red Sox.