Upside for Trump as New Poll Shows US Majority Think President "Unfit to

"With an approval rating frozen in the mid-thirties, his character and judgment questioned, President Donald Trump must confront the harsh fact that the majority of American voters feel he is simply unfit to serve in the highest office in the land." —Tim Malloy, Quinnipiac
Alongside an overall disapproval rating of 57 percent (with only
36 approving of his job performance), the survey revealed that by a 56 percent
believe Trump does not have what it takes to be a good president, while only 42
percent think he does.
Broken down by party affiliation and other factors, the
poll found:
Men are divided 49 - 49 percent, as women say 63 - 35 percent he
is not fit.
White voters are divided as 50 percent say he is fit and 48
percent say he is not fit. Trump is not fit, black voters say 94 - 4 percent
and Hispanic voters say 60 - 40 percent.
The polls results have "no upside" whatsoever, said
Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
"With an
approval rating frozen in the mid-thirties, his character and judgment questioned, President Donald Trump must confront the harsh fact that the
majority of American voters feel he is simply unfit to serve in the highest
office in the land."