Revenge Is a Rotten Way to Run a Country
We’re taught that
ideally, the desire to run for office should reflect a commitment to public
And we know that the reality is far too often otherwise, running to slake a thirst for power and money that overpowers the greater good.
And we know that the reality is far too often otherwise, running to slake a thirst for power and money that overpowers the greater good.
Yet to seek elected
office for revenge, to use it to get back at someone or inflict harm on them or
anyone associated with them seems in some ways even worse; shabby, petty and
Examine the roots of
the Trump campaign and you see two men eager to use position to take revenge,
to get even for insults, imagined or sometimes real, and to lash out at
perceived conspiracies against them:
In Trump’s case, you
don’t have to go to Vienna to figure out that much of his egotism and vainglory
— and those tweets, God help us — seem aimed at getting back for slights that
can go back just hours and minutes or sometimes even years.
To be specific,
remember the story of the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Association dinner
when President Obama jokingly skewered Trump, who sat at his table in
grim-faced, aggrieved silence.
Adam Gopnik of The
New Yorker was in the Washington Hilton ballroom that night and wrote four years
“[O]ne can’t help but suspect that, on that night, Trump’s own sense of public humiliation became so overwhelming that he decided, perhaps at first unconsciously, that he would, somehow, get his own back — perhaps even pursue the presidency after all, no matter how nihilistically or absurdly, and redeem himself.”
After the election,
from each man there was feigned magnanimity toward the other but it didn’t last
Like an uncontrollable
tic, Trump continues to obsess over Obama, blaming any and all problems on his
Nothing, as we know
all too well by now, is ever Trump’s fault.
Here’s what Michael Crowley
and Julia Ioffe wrote in Politico during the summer
of 2016, when not as much was known or had been revealed about the extent of
Russian attempts to hijack the American electoral process:
Former US officials who worked on Russia policy with Clinton say that Putin was personally stung by Clinton’s December 2011 condemnation of Russia’s parliamentary elections, and had his anger communicated directly to President Barack Obama. They say Putin and his advisers are also keenly aware that, even as she executed Obama’s “reset” policy with Russia, Clinton took a harder line toward Moscow than others in the administration. And they say Putin sees Clinton as a forceful proponent of “regime change” policies that the Russian leader considers a grave threat to his own survival.
Confirming this in her
book, What Happened,
Hillary Clinton writes:
Our relationship has been sour for a long time. Putin doesn’t respect women and despises anyone who stands up to him, so I’m a double problem. After I criticized one of his policies, he told the press, “It’s better not to argue with women,” but went on to call me weak. “Maybe weakness is not the worst quality for a woman,” he joked. Hilarious.
Clinton’s call for
“fair, free transparent elections” in Russia led Putin to accuse Clinton of
“interference in our internal affairs.”
In retrospect, both
statements are soaked in irony, as Putin’s revenge has taken the form of
elaborate hacks and ruses via social media designed to interfere with and
subvert free elections in the United States.
Not to mention the
ever-increasing evidence of Trump campaign team contacts with
Russian government officials and apparent “cut-outs” — third party go-betweens
used to pass information or to determine the likelihood of recruitment.
Of course, by most
reports, Putin takes his revenge more bluntly against enemies at home and
throughout much of the former Soviet bloc; political opponents and journalists
simply die or disappear.
But when it comes to
the internet, Russia’s techniques have been infinitely more subtle and
ingenious. In many cases, the nation’s troll factories have been pitting sides
against other sides with phony social media accounts that take every
conceivable position on an issue.
And in early
November, NBC News noted that
more than 3,000 “global news outlets… inadvertently published articles
containing embedded tweets by the confirmed Kremlin-linked troll accounts in
over 11,000 news articles in the run-up to the 2016 election, separate
exclusive reporting shows.”
Then there’s this: the
Alliance for Securing Democracy’s Hamilton 68
dashboard, a web tool designed to monitor Russian disinformation,
noted that as special counsel Robert Mueller’s initial indictments went down:
… Kremlin-oriented accounts on Twitter employed the four D’s of disinformation: dismiss, distract, dismay, and distort. Outside of a day of fear mongering surrounding the terror attacks in New York City, the key words of the week (Clinton, Mueller, uranium, dossier, Tony Podesta and Donna Brazile) were all efforts to shift focus to Democratic scandals, both real and imagined. More importantly, over the past three weeks, the coordinated effort of Kremlin accounts to discredit Mueller and craft a narrative of Democrat-Russia collusion has moved from fringe websites to more credible outlets. What was once a conspiracy theory is now a mainstream narrative — and that is how a Russian influence operation works.
And let’s add one more
to the mix of those players who are motivated by revenge of one sort or
another. Please welcome Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, the organization so
beloved and touted by candidate Trump for its leaking of emails on Hillary
Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.
As reported by the
aforementioned Julia Ioffe, this time
in The Atlantic, despite its claims to be a nonpartisan
dispenser of leaked documents, WikiLeaks — “a radical transparency
organization that the American intelligence community believes was chosen by
the Russian government to disseminate the information it had hacked” — was
constantly shooting off messages to Donald Trump Jr., offering information and
advice and making requests, including that Donald’s dad, by then the
president–elect, suggest that Assange be named Australia’s ambassador to the
United States.
I’m not making this
Assange’s record of
animus toward Hillary Clinton is well-known. He believed she wanted him
indicted for WikiLeaks’ 2010 release of 250,000 diplomatic cables and wrote in February 2016,
“She’s a war hawk with bad judgement who gets an unseemly emotional rush out of killing people. She shouldn’t be let near a gun shop, let alone an army. And she certainly should not become president of the United States.”
“She’s a war hawk with bad judgement who gets an unseemly emotional rush out of killing people. She shouldn’t be let near a gun shop, let alone an army. And she certainly should not become president of the United States.”
“Hiya, it’d be great
if you guys could comment on/push this story…” attaching a
quote from then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton about
wanting to “just drone” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
“Already did that
earlier today,” Trump Jr. responded an hour-and-a-half later. “It’s amazing
what she can get away with.”
From such bitter
nonsense, revenge unleashed, electors are swayed and empires fall.
Revenge, as the saying
goes, is a dish best served cold.
Putin the ex-KGB
colonel apparently is taking his time, coolly mastering an operation
effectively waging a cold cyberwar not only against the United States but Western nations
in general.
As for Trump (who
refuses to acknowledge that anything is wrong and who for whatever reasons will
never criticize Putin) and right-wing media outlets like Fox News and Breitbart
(which are further spreading the fake news ginned up by Russian bots), if
they think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, they are —
surprise! — deluded.
Revenge is an ugly
urge and a foul underlying basis for politics and government.
It fogs the mind,
disrupts equilibrium, crushes rational thought and too powerfully motivates our
worst instincts.
Further, at a time
when fundamentalists and nativists seek to rule the land, revenge is
distinctly, you should excuse the word, unchristian.
That it has so
infected the body politic, bursting to the surface after years of festering
along with its helpmates bigotry, spite and ignorance, is a sad commentary on
the state of the nation.
Revenge, another
saying goes (or resentment or holding a grudge) is a poison you drink, hoping
the other person will die.
But in our current
political nightmare, the poison affects us all: It envenoms and corrupts those
who imbibe and while doing so murders society and democracy.
This is an emergency.
We must find an antidote and fast.
Michael Winship, senior writing fellow at Demos and president of the Writers
Guild of America-East, was senior writer for Moyers &
Company and Bill Moyers’ Journal and is senior writer of