Fellow opponents
will host session in Charlestown to help prepare for upcoming hearing
By Will Collette
Charlestown has a
direct self-interest in this project even though it is at the opposite end of
the state because a Narragansett medicine man John Brown made a deal with
Invenergy to sell water pumped from tribal land, but from the common aquifer we
all share.
The actual amount of
water needed has never been clear. It
would be used as coolant at the Burrillville plant.
This water deal has
exposed deep divisions within the Narragansett Tribe. A large and vocal
faction, including several elected members of the Tribal Council denounce the
deal as illegal because the question of who actually is in charge has not been
Other than Mr. Brown’s
defense of his decision, there has been no public support for the project
coming from inside the Tribe. In fact, the Tribal Council hired outside counsel
to file for intervenor status in the case in opposition to the deal.
The facts are
complicated and the politics are Byzantine. So this workshop comes at just the
right time to help Charlestown residents figure out the best way to present the
town’s opposition to the project.
In my opinion, it
would be a very bad idea to make this another one of Charlestown’s infamous “us
against them” issues with the Tribe. In fact, some of the strongest opposition
to this water deal comes from prominent members of the Tribe.
Here is the advisory
I received from Nature’s Trust Rhode Island which is presenting this program
tomorrow (edited for clarity).
Important presentation and discussion about the Invenergy
project, Rhode Island’s energy future
and what it means to Charlestown’s (and Rhode Islands’s)
water security.
Who: Paul A. Roselli, President of the Burrillville
Land Trust- Presenter.
The event is sponsored by the Rhode Island Association of
Conservation Commissions and the
Burrillville Land Trust.
What: “Learn the Facts about the Invenergy project”
is a lively and objective fact based interactive visual presentation about the
proposed power plant in northwestern Rhode Island.
Since November 2015, Roselli has given this presentation 41
times throughout Rhode Island, and nearby Connecticut and Massachusetts
updating with new information for each presentation.
Topics include:
- The amount of water needed for the power plant,
- Ongoing litigation,
- The role of ISO-NE,
- The EFSB process,
- How to prepare for the public hearing on December 5th in Charlestown, along with
- How to read your electric bill.
Where: Cross Mills’ Public Library-4417 Old Post Rd,
Charlestown, Rhode Island 02813
When: Tuesday, November 21st from 7-8:30.
Why: The Town of Charlestown was recently granted
intervenor status through the Energy Facility Siting Board due, in part, to
it’s listing as a secondary water source to cool and operate the power plant.
Note: The Charlestown based Narragansett Indian Tribe’s
leadership signed on without the consultation or consent of the members of the
tribe and this contract is in dispute.
Is the Invenergy project good for Charlestown? The
Narragansett Indians? Rhode Island? Water security for a town with a single
source aquifer? Climate change security?
Will this power plant lower your electric bill? How much
water will they use?
There are thousands region-wide who oppose this 1-gigawatt
fracked gas/oil fired power plant proposed for the middle of the woods in northwestern
Rhode Island.
When a town along with 35 municipalities decide to say NO,
why do RI government officials continue to give their support?
The event is open to the public.
Roselli and others are available before the presentation for
This event is endorsed by Fossil Free Rhode Island
Contact: Robert Malin FossilFreeRI@Gmail.com
(401) 497-7419 Paul Roselli proselli@cox.net
(401) 447-1560