Walrus Awareness Week with Us!
The conservation of species
is a top priority at Mystic Aquarium. We work diligently to
affect change in the populations of species at risk including
African penguins, beluga whales, sharks, vaquitas, horseshoe
crabs and others. We are proud to know that supporters like you
join in our mission to conserve our ocean planet and that our
fellow AZA colleagues work tirelessly in their efforts too!
During Walrus Awareness Week,
we will shine a spotlight on the walrus conservation efforts of
SeaWorld. And, we'll take a stroll down memory lane
remembering when four walruses once called Mystic Aquarium their
temporary home (check out our throwback photos from 2001 - 2002
On Wednesday, December 6, you're invited to join us
as we take the day to celebrate Walrus Awareness Week
Join us in the Main Gallery for a live video feed
from SeaWorld Orlando with our Curator of Marine Mammals and
Birds, Laurie Macha. Watch as she joins Orlando's team of walrus
trainers during one of their training sessions where you'll learn
just how amazing it is to work with such a resilient species.
Plus, enjoy other walrus activities in our Main Gallery where you
- Design your own walrus
mask to wear.
- Play 'Pinniped Puzzles'
and learn about the walrus' family.
- Experience how their
blubber keeps them warm.
- Learn how belugas and
walrus' are alike.
Animal Spotlight: African Cichlids
Native to Lake Malawi, one of
the rift lakes of East Africa, our African cichlids are unique to
this specific lake and can't be found anywhere else on Earth!
Even more impressive, it's estimated that there are about 1,000
unique species of cichlids in that single lake alone. How is
this possible?
One word: Evolution.
The latest estimates believe
Lake Malawi is between 3 - 20 million years old. This long
lifespan along with its geologic isolation has allowed natural
selection to create this large and diverse array of species along
with specialized behaviors. You may even be able to spot one such
behavior during your next visit! Take a close look at the
cichlids mouths - you may see some mother's holding their babies
inside, which is a natural instinct to protect their young from
'Tis the season for holiday shopping! Whether you're
the gifter who plans well ahead or is a spur-of-the-moment
shopper, we have a couple of green tips to make your holiday
shopping even more meaningful this year.
- Consider shopping at
stores that sell locally made toys and gifts. Of all toys
purchased in the United States, 71% are made in China, where
environmental laws are weak.
- Gift cards, concert
tickets, restaurant certificates and movie vouchers are
great alternatives to heavily packaged presents. Might we
recommend a gift membership to Mystic Aquarium?
Give a gift that lasts all year!

Animal adventures, close encounters,
hands-on discoveries, spectacular events and so much more - how
do you fit all of this under the tree? With a membership to
Mystic Aquarium! This holiday season; give the gift that gives
back all year long with unlimited visits, free 4-D Theater shows,
exclusive member-only perks, previews, parties and more. There is
no better way to experience the Aquarium than as a member.
Download our app!
Mystic Aquarium's Corporate Sponsors
The mission of Mystic Aquarium is to inspire people
to care for and protect our ocean planet through conservation,
education and research.