It’s Time to Change More Than Trump
Robert Borosage

He’s a distraction, the clown show. And while he’s barking outside the big top, the GOP is inside, cutting away at our economy and the very essentials of our public life.
The tax bill Republicans
are trying to ramrod through the Congress provides a clear reminder that the
real threat we face is a rabidly ideological GOP, now in full control of all
branches of government, in Washington and in 26 states.
Now, virtually unified
Republican caucuses in both Houses are on the verge of passing truly grotesque
tax legislation that will give more than 60 percent of its benefits to the
richest 1 percent in the nation, while raising taxes on nearly all working
Rule By Tweet
Trump tweets out
anti-Muslim videos from a far-right British hate group, earning condemnation
from our closest ally. He turns a ceremony to honor Navaho code talkers into a
disgrace, with his racist slur of
Sen. Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas.”
He reprises his
infantile insults of North Korea’s nuclear-armed leader, lies about not
benefiting from the tax plan that will undeniably line his pockets, revives
his bizarre birther claims
about Obama, and risibly denies the authenticity of
his now-infamous Access Hollywood bus tapes. And that’s all before General
Flynn’s plea deal made Russian meddling round-the-clock news once again.
But this isn’t just
about Trump. He’s the mountebank, a false populist betraying his base. He is an
infantile narcissist, playing to the crowds – or at least to talk media.
They Call It “Reform”
Only three Republican
Senators stood in the way of the GOP’s bid in July to deprive million Americans
of health insurance, as a prelude to their tax cuts. Trump had no clue about
that policy, and played little role in selling it.
GOP lawmakers are now
ready to hand global corporations a $500 billion tax bonus for booking profits
held in foreign tax havens. They claim to defend the middle class, yet are
happy to protect the obscene “carried interest” tax deduction, which gives
billionaire hedge fund managers a lower tax rate than their secretaries.
They’ve declared war
on higher education, eliminating deductions for student loan interest, and
adding taxes on to graduate students for tuition waivers. They’ll double-tax
American families on what they already pay to state and city governments, while
they allow corporations to deduct theirs.
In the Senate, only
one Republican – Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee – stood up to vote no on the
tax giveaway, and he doesn’t need to face voters again.
Then they have the
gall to call this crap “reform.”
Trump’s Contributions
Trump’s major
contribution to the tax bill has been to lie about its content while protecting
measures – elimination of the estate tax, elimination of the alternative
minimum tax, lower taxes on “pass-through” income – that will fill his own
Meanwhile, Trump’s
judicial appointments aim to pack the courts with young, pro-corporate
ideologues, but he’s not the one who finds them. They come from lists prepared for
his administration by the right-wing Federalist Society and Heritage
These vacancies result
in part from Republican obstruction of Obama’s appointments. Trump’s nominees
are being railroaded through the Senate by a unified Republican majority, which
lines up behind a leadership willing to trample the Senate’s normal procedures.
Trump claims these victories as his own, but doesn’t drive them.
Steve Bannon got
headlines for pledging to “deconstruct the
administrative state,” but he’s just the publicist. Trump has
turned his economic policy over to Goldman Sachs alumni who want to deregulate
finance and roll back environmental and consumer protections.
The plundering of
public services is steered by cabinet members eager for the assignment. These
include ideologically extreme politicians, like former Rep. Mike Mulvaney,
who’s preparing to disembowel the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, former
Rep. Scott Pruitt at the EPA, former Texas Governor Rick Price at Energy, and
Betsy DeVos, the high-rolling GOP donor who now helms the Department of
The Attorney General,
former Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, leads the rollback of civil rights and
criminal justice reform.
These are the
extremist insiders who are now the Republican mainstream.
An Inside Job
This isn’t a
revelation, but it’s worth repeating. Trump’s ability to outrage around the
clock distracts us from the real challenges we face. This isn’t a one-nut deal.
Trump isn’t driving a populist revolt.
Right-wing populism is just the garb Trump donned to get elected. What’s left of his populism is his incoherent posturing on trade and his insistence on building “The Wall” along our southern border.
Trump’s race-baiting
politics of division, too, are nothing new. They’re a Republican Party staple:
Trump is just far more shameless in how he speaks.
The real threat we
face in Washington, and in statehouses, is an increasingly extreme Republican
Party that is ideologically committed and politically disciplined in its
efforts to lay waste to the public sphere.
They’re cutting away
at the very sinews of our economy, the comity of our politics, and the quality
of our most basic public services. Trump may sound different, but he’s just the
barker outside their big top. The grisly deed is being done on the inside.
Impeachment Dreams
Liberal pundits like
Ezra Klein are now trying to “normalize” talk of impeaching Trump. MSNBC and
CNN report on every twitch of the Russian investigation. Surely, ousting Trump
would be satisfying. It would at least allow liberals afflicted with Trump
derangement syndrome to stop yelling at their televisions. But it isn’t
But now the Resistance
has to get serious about the hard stuff of politics – winning elections up and
down the ticket, in every state. We have to organize to ensure
Americans register and vote in large numbers and end Republican rule – not just
Continuing to about
Trump’s immaturity, ignorance and instability won’t get the job done. Even his
supporters get that. His own Secretary of State calls him a “f…g
Progressives need to
help people understand both the damage wrought by Republicans from states like
Kansas to the nation’s capital. We need to make clear that there is an
alternative that will serve the nation and its people, not plunder it for the
Beyond Ignorance
Trump’s ignorance and
impulsiveness terrify all sensible people. His grotesqueries embarrass. His
peddling of hate and venom divides. But he isn’t the motor force of the agenda
that is undermining this country. He isn’t driving the ship into the shoals. He’s
simply the showman selling tickets to the show.
Republicans have been
very clear about this. They trumpet their historic opportunity to drive their
agenda – privatization, deregulation, tax cuts, spending cuts, undermining
public education, rolling back public health care, curbing public retirement
security, and bolstering a military to police the world for global capital.
Norquist’s Promise
When it looked like
Mitt Romney might defeat Barack Obama in 2012, the impish operative of the
right, Grover Norquist, reassured movement conservatives not to fear Romney’s
supposed moderation. All we need, he argued, is a president with “enough
working digits to handle a pen.”
Republicans in the Congress will provide the agenda, he assured, and put the bills on this president’s desk to sign.
Republicans in the Congress will provide the agenda, he assured, and put the bills on this president’s desk to sign.
Norquist’s prediction
has come to pass. But thus far, Republicans have proven less prepared for this
golden opportunity than he assumed. House Speaker Paul Ryan was as big a fraud
as Paul Krugman warned. Health care repeal was a debacle. Their plan to cut
taxes is one of the most unpopular pieces of legislation in history. But their
incompetence only slows the damage they are doing, it does not end it.
Cleaning The Stables
We have real work to
do. Robert Muller and the Russian probe won’t clean the stables, no matter how
that turns out. The media feasting on Trump’s antics and outrages won’t do it.
The resistance is vital, but not enough. Americans in large numbers must
rise up and throw the bums out.
Elections – no matter
how gerrymandered, no matter how many votes are suppressed, no matter how
corrupted by big money – still offer that possibility. That will take new
energy and activists organizing across the country. The established Democratic
Party has proven itself incapable thus far of meeting this challenge.
Progressive leaders
like Sanders, Warren, Brown, Merkley, Ellison, and Jayapal need to define the
choice and the stakes. The surge of women voters and candidates can make
dramatic difference. Progressive movement groups like Our Revolution, People’s
Action, Black Lives Matter, Indivisible, MoveOn, and Working America need to
continue to build and drive a massive volunteer door-to-door mobilization.
In 2018, the election
will be nationalized, but Trump will not be on the ballot. Voters need to
understand just what the stakes are, and it’s our job to tell them.